K9data.comLabrador Retriever

UK Ch Sandylands My Guy

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

UK Ch Sandylands My Guy (KC SB 0703BZ)
Am Can CH Sandylands Marshal Am JH (AKC SF500903)
Sandylands Martin
Sandylands My Hearty
GB Ch Kupros Master Mariner (Other KCSB 4396BU)
Kupros Moonbeam
Kupros Minstrel (AKC SE642508)
AmCH CanCH Int'l CH Kupros Marshall (AKC SE605406)
Kupros Major At Lindall (KC KCSB 5125BU)
Kupros Morning Glory
Kupros Miss Bramble of Balnova (KC KCSB 5120BT)
Kupros Misty Blue
Ch Kupros Mollymawk (AKC SD959201)
Am.Can.Ch. Kupros Midnight Frolic WC (AKC SE203950)
Gb Sh Am Can CH Lindall Mastercraft JH (KC SB 4076BR)
Lindall Bryony of Charway
Lindall Brioche
Lindall Miss Emma (AKC SD989106 1-85)
Lindall Miss Holly (AKC SE252553)
Gb CH Charway Ballywill Will (Other KCSB 2992 BP)
Charway Ballypinder
AM Ch Charway Ballybogart (AKC SC824251 6-81)
Charway Ballyeve (Unknown)
Morningtown Stormette JW (Other KCSB 3477BP)
GB Sh Ch. Morningtown Stormtrooper (Other KCSB 2887BP)
Morningtown Storm Choc Of Rosetyne
Kupros Bridget
Int.Ch, AUT Ch Kupros Buccaneer BLP, JGP (FCI ÖHZB 161)
GB.Ch. Ballyduff Marketeer (Other KCSB 2474BG)
Ballyduff Marksman (FCI N01514/73)
AM Ch Ballyduff Marilla (AKC SB698702)
Ballyduff Marine (19518/74)
Eng.Aust.NZ.Ch. Ballyduff Marshall (KC SB 2544BK)
Ballyduff Morella (KC SB4219BK)
Aust Ch Ballyduff Marsham
Ballyduff Maroon (FCI S07335/74)
UK Ch Kupros Lady's Pride (KC KCSB 2770BN)
CHIB Kupros Lucifer (LOF 9434/1316)
Kupros Lionheart (KC B7278702C08)
AmCH Kupros Live Spark CD (AKC SC557454)
Sandylands Bramble
Sandylands Beauty Of Flamboise
Sandylands Biddy of Mallardhurn
UK ShCh Sandylands Bella (KC KCSB 2288BS)
Sandylands Black Jack
GB Ch Squire of Ballyduff (Other KCSB 2157BJ)
SE UCh, SE FT Ch. Pendil of Ballyduff (FCI S49680/75)
AM Ch Swift of Ballyduff And Spenrock (AKC SC451550)
C.C.W. Spark of Ballyduff (KC SB 0400BJ)
AmCH Martin Of Ballyduff (AKC SC396902)
Steward of Ballyduff (CKC 977914)
Can.Ch. Spartan of Ballyduff
Ch Arkle of Ballyduff (KC KCSB 0215BJ)
GB.Ch. Ballyduff Marketeer (Other KCSB 2474BG)
Ballyduff Marksman (FCI N01514/73)
AM Ch Ballyduff Marilla (AKC SB698702)
Ballyduff Marine (19518/74)
Eng.Aust.NZ.Ch. Ballyduff Marshall (KC SB 2544BK)
Ballyduff Morella (KC SB4219BK)
Aust Ch Ballyduff Marsham
Ballyduff Maroon (FCI S07335/74)
Sparkle of Tuddenham (KC REG22868/72)
Juniper of Herringby
Ballyduff Berta (Other KCREG 2392/76)
Passingridge Black Chiffon (KC 045968/71)
Gleam of Tuddenham
Gb Sh CH Sandylands Longley Come Rain (Other KCSB 4138BK)
Longley Country Girl of Guidewell
Longley Come Fair
Sh.Ch. Longley in Conference (Other KCSB 0755BK)
AUS Ch Longley Speak Easy (122345/74)
Sandylands Charlston (KC SB 2370BI)
GB ShCh Sandylands Clarence of Rossbank (KC KCSB 01704BI)
Longley In Tune (KC REG42576/72)
Longley Te Doh
Longley That's it of Kerlstone (Other KCSB 3066BI)
Longley Think On of Kerlstone

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