
Golden Retriever

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Int'l CH Sunset HHF Hunting For Quarters BN, RN, CGC

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Int'l CH Sunset HHF Hunting For Quarters BN, RN, CGC
Autumns Buttered Bosco
Jc's Lomber Dale Caswell
Kt's Cody Warren
Pendergrafts Lady Buffy
King Midas Trevor Smith
Callies Bold Maiden Buffy
May (SN21570608)
Kt's Autumn Glory
Brady Tobias
Hercules Mufasa Morgan
Brady Hansel Roy
Shanda Lady Marie Roy
Goodwins Sophia Golden Girl
Shelly Shalise
Samantha Leanna Roy
Maryjanes Autumns Rose
Autumns Buttered Bosco
Jc's Lomber Dale Caswell
Kt's Cody Warren
Pendergrafts Lady Buffy
Kt's Autumn Glory
Brady Tobias
Hercules Mufasa Morgan
Shelbel Royal Rose
Rippen Royal Remington
Red Ruby Rose II
CT MACH MHR HRCH U-OCH U-ACHX Riverduck's Second Chance VCD4 MH WCX EAC EJC OGC (13.5 years)
Riverduck's Rosebud Tsamaya SH (7.5 years)
Riverduck's Baby Tiger JH (10 years)

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