K9data.comLabrador Retriever

CIB GB SH CH NORD CH Carpenny Walpole

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

CIB GB SH CH NORD CH Carpenny Walpole (KC SB 3340CG)
BE Ch Carpenny Winchester
Carpenny Webson Of Guidewell
Carpenny Webton
Carpenny Whickers
Carpenny Willing Of Guidewell
Carpenny Winnie
Carpenny Wishing
Hawkmoors Webster (Other KC U0095261U02)
Hawksmoors Wellington (AKC SN00473309)
Hawksmoor Willow Warbler (AKC SN00473306)
Am CH Dickendall Arnold (AKC SF639713)
Dickendalls Hall Farm Helen (AKC SN10359805)
Dickendall Davaron Orange Rufy JH (AKC SN10359806)
Am CH Dickendalls Ruffy SH (AKC SE717938)
Dickendalls A-Ha (AKC SE427129)
Hawksmoors Ravens Flight (AKC SF672505)
Am.Ch. Mascots Fortune at Hawksmoor (AKC SF672504.)
Am. Ch. Borador's Lord Travis (AKC SE147433)
NZ.Ch. Mascot Rayners Choice (AKC SF314710)
NZ Ch Mascot That Girl Again (04029-1986)
GB SH CH Covetwood Elouise of Carpenny (Other KCSB 0335CE)
IR Ch Covetwood Emotions of Carpenny
Covetwood Imagine Alkhamhurst (Other KCSB 0333CE)
Ch. Covetwood Sargeant Pepper at Alkhamhurst
GB Ch Carpenny Bonhomie (Other KCSB 2037BY)
GB Ch. Trenow Brigadier (Other KCSB 1885BW)
Trenow Secret Love of Merrymills
Sh Ch Trenow Briar Rose (KC KCSB 0063BX)
LCD-Jgd-CH. Trenow Grenadier (DRC 87-2829)
Aust.Ch. Trenow Secret Agent
Trenow Bryony of Dolwen (Other KCSB 3696BZ)
Carpenny Camargue (Other KCSB 3638BS)
Cranspire Careless Whisper (Other KC L4308603L08)
Cranspire Take Silk
Cranspire Blowe (KC L4308601L03)
Cranspire Buccaneer
Raybooth Cream Cracker (KC SB 4392BV)
Raybooth Tic-Tac of Lisnagelvin
Cranspire Lace
Poppycock At Larchbank
Cranspire Gunslinger
Cranspire Charisma of Kezamy

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