
Golden Retriever

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Can Ch. Atlanticgold's Juno Awards

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Can Ch. Atlanticgold's Juno Awards
Atlanticgold's Look For Me
Can. Ch. Jackson's The Color Of Money (11 years)
Jackson's Diva
CanCH Jackson's Boomer Boy
MBIS.Can/Br/BrGr/Pan/Ina/Int CH. Jackson's Show Me The Money SDHF
Can Ch. Jackson's Nova At Dakotasun Can.CD
Jackson's The One For Amberview
Can CH. Jackson's Everlasting Gaze
Jackson's Breakfast of Champions
Can/Am CH. Jackson's Golden Graham (12.5 years)
CanCh. Jackson's Capt.Crunch
CanCH Jackson's Sugar Pops
MBIS MBISS.Am/Can/Br CH. Eirene's This One's For You SDHF OS (12.5 years)
Am/Can CH Eirene Laurell OnefortheMoney
Am. & Can. Ch. Eirene Westmont's April One OD
CanCH Eirene's One Man Band
Can CH Eirene's She's The One
MBPIS Can Ch. Eirene's One Moment In Time
Am. CH Eirene Laurell's One'Derful
Can CH. Foxylane's Harley At Jackson OD (12.5 years)
CanCH Foxylane's Chance of Thunder
CanCH Bis Foxylane's Thunderous Ovation SDHF
Can CH Jackson's Waltzing Matilda BPISS, BPIS, OD (12.5 years)
CanCH Jackson's Waltz In A Dream
Multi. BIS BISS Am. Can. CH Tempo's Little St Nick Can SDHF
Ch Tempo's Rockhill-A-Hula Baby (11.5 years)
CH Tempo Charisma Luv Me Tender
Ch. Tempo's Viva Las Vegas (9.5 years)
Ch. Tempo's All Shook Up (8 years)
Tempo's Justin Time For Xmas
CH Tempo's Joy To The World (9.5 years)
Can. Ch. Mariner Deck The Halls By Tempo OD Can. OD (10 years)
BVISS(USA) Can CH Tempo's Star Carol At Creekside Can OD (15.5 years)
CH Tempo's Man With All The Toys (9.5 years)
Am. Can. Ch. Mariner Lil Sister By Tempo SDHF OD Can. OD (10 years)
CH Tempo's Mwm Jingle Belle Rock
Can CH. Foxylane's Harley At Jackson OD (12.5 years)
CanCH Foxylane's Chance of Thunder
CanCH Bis Foxylane's Thunderous Ovation SDHF
Can CH Pacificgold's Just One Look
Pacificgold's Just Cause CD RN NA NAJ CCA CGC
Can.Ch. Pacificgold's Maple Leaf Bear
Can.Ch. Pacificgolds She's Bear E Cute (12 years)
Pacificgold's Windrift QT Bear (13 years)
Pacificgold's Just A Flirt (13 years)
Pacificgold's Just A Gigolo
Am.Can. Ch. Pacificgold's Bavarian Cobbler BIS BISS SDHF OS (10 years)
BIS Ph Gr Ch/Can Ch Pacificgold's Creme Brulee` SDHF
Pacificgold's Angelica Parfait
Pacificgold's Cascade Creme Puff
U-CD Pacificgold Misty Mocha Parfait CGC, CDX, OAJ, OA, OJP, OAP
BIS BISS Am/Can CH Rush Hill's Haagen-Dazs CDX JH AX OAJ WCX VCX OS SDHF Can. CD WC (11 years)
Can CH Rush-Hill's Goldmedal Ribbon Can CDX
CanCH Rush Hill's Struttin Sundae
Am./Can. CH Rush Hill's Sundae Jubilee (14 years)
Am. CH Rush Hill's Ted E Bear Swirl CDX (7.5 years)
Rush Hill's Heavenly Hash (14 years)
Am./Can. CH Rush Hill's Revel At Allsgold OS Can SDHF
Am. Can. Ch. Chrysos Truly Scrumptious OD (12.5 years)
Am.Can.Ch. Chrysos True Reflection (11 years)
Can. Ch. Pacificgold's Whirlwind Colors Can. CD (12 years)
Pacificgold's Canadian Colors
Can.Ch. Windrift's Vivre La Folle Vie (12.5 years)
Windrift's Beau Geste (15 years)
Am./Can. CH. Windrift's Grand Prix BOSS (9 years)
Am./Can./Int./Vet. CH. Pacificgold's The Dance Am./Can. SDHF OS (13 years)
Pacificgold's Honky Tonk
Can. CH Pacificgold's Killin' Time
Am/Can CH Sunshine's Windrift Teddi Bear CGC, BISS (9 years)
Sunshine's Tropic Lightning CD JH
Sunshines Callante Comet
Sunshine's Miranda Jane
Sunshine's Sweet Fred A-Stare
Am CH Sunshine's Peppermint Candy OD

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