Ally und Emilio Handsome Harrison of Kinsales Spirit Handsome Hemingway of Kinsales Spirit Handsome Hope of Kinsales Spirit Handsome Hennessy of Kinsales Spirit Handsome Hamilton of Kinsales Spirit Handsome Howard of Kinsales Spirit Handsome Heaven of Kinsales Spirit Handsome Honeymoon of Kinsales Spirit | CIE, CIB, ?JCh, ?Ch, HRCH, SKCH, SLCH, HUCH, CZCH Race The Sun de Ria Vela Top Dog 2012 Raggio Di Sole De Ria Vela (Other NHSB 2784123) roma eterna de ria vela And. CH. Romanza de Ria Vela (LOE 1885864) MltCh, JChRus & NRC, Bye Romeo de Ria Vela Mak/Cher/Bul/Mol/Rom/Ser/Bal Ch Remember Me de Ria Vela (LOE) | | Little Violet's Harvest Moon (FCI GRET 5094A) Little Violet's Hip Hop (Other GRET 5086) Little Violet's Hoola Hoop Little Violet's Hot Dog (Other GRET 5088A) Little Violet's Here I Am (Other GRET 5089A) Little Violet's Headhunter (Other GRET 5090A) Little Violet's Hot Chocolate (Other GRET 5091A) Little Violet's Hot Stuff (Other GRET 5092A) Little Violet's Happy Day (Other GRET 5093A) | |