
Golden Retriever

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Thornelea's Up 'n Adam CDX

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Thornelea's Up 'n Adam CDX
Libra Jason Ryvawin CD (AKC SC256207 (12-78))
Am. CH Libra's Nebula Of Orion (AKC SC212769)
Blue Skye's Moon's In Libra (AKC SC257244)
Libra's Canis Major (AKC SC199420)
Am. CH. Misty Morn's Sunset CD TD WC OS SDHF (AKC SA464440 (3/1969))
Sweetwood's Champagne Mist CD (AKC SA647863 (11/1972))
Golden Sunset XIII (AKC SB286488 (1/1974))
Sunbeam of Hollabird (AKC SA649746 (2-71))
Sunset of Hollabird (AKC SA649745 (2-71))
Sunrise of Hollabird (AKC SA537675)
Watchung's Golden Mist (AKC SA433546 (10/70))
Am. CH. Sunset's Happy Duke OS (AKC SA241789 (12/1966))
Sunset's Golden Holly (AKC SA329196 (11/68))
Sunset's Dream Girl (AKC SA350775 (3/1968))
Sunset's Golden Saint (AKC SA464425 (3/68))
Sunset's Happy King Bolatobig CD TD Can CD (AKC SA240513 (10/1967))
Am. CH. Chips Of Darbrian (AKC SA245222 (11/1965))
Am. CH. Shawnee Of Sunset (AKC SA240514 (4-69))
Am. CH. Brittby's Golden Sunset OD (AKC SA246042 (5/66))
Amber Lady Of Tercor Farm (AKC SA323399 (12/1966))
Gold Cloud Roxy Of Tercor Farm (AKC SA298333 (1/1967))
Taffeta Of Tercor Farm (AKC SA291385 (7/1966))
Am. CH. Cragmount's Double Eagle II (AKC SA303147 (2/67))
Am. CH. Eagle's Ace Of Tercor Farm CD OS (AKC SA264056 (9/1965))
Sutter Creek Serendipity CDX (AKC SB229841 (3/1974))
Woodin's Golden Skipper (AKC SB524400 (1/75))
Daphane Of Homeport CD (AKC SB148337 (5/74))
Sutter Creek Paris Windsong CD (AKC SB213131 (1-77))
Louisianna Gold Sutter Creek CDX (AKC SB108038 (4/1974))
Am. CH. Alstone Sutter Creek Charade UD WC OS OBHF (AKC SA716328 (10/70))
Alstone Dancer
Featherquest Golden Diana (AKC SA377326 (8/67))
Featherquest Rip Van Winkle (AKC SA340875 (6/1968))
Featherquest Keoki (AKC SA350499 (12/68))
Am. CH Thornelea's Guinevere CD WC VC (AKC SC578856 (2-81))
Am.CH. Sir Duncan Of Woodbury OS (AKC SB023769 (2/78))
Autumn Lodge's Magill (AKC SA979853 (9/1973))
Am. CH. Autumn Lodge's Mister Zap CD ** OS (AKC SA968871 (10/74))
Saint Moishe Pride Of Tabhill (AKC SB534693 (3/76))
Autumnlodge's Apple (AKC SB800452 (6/76))
Am. CH. Misty Morn's Sunset CD TD WC OS SDHF (AKC SA464440 (3/1969))
Sweetwood's Champagne Mist CD (AKC SA647863 (11/1972))
Golden Sunset XIII (AKC SB286488 (1/1974))
Sunbeam of Hollabird (AKC SA649746 (2-71))
Sunset of Hollabird (AKC SA649745 (2-71))
Sunrise of Hollabird (AKC SA537675)
Watchung's Golden Mist (AKC SA433546 (10/70))
Autumn Lodge's L'Il Indian (AKC SA505184 (11/71))
Aureal Wood's Autumn Skalawag (AKC SA515006 (7/1969))
Am. CH Caernac's Adhuil Ornaic CD WCX VC (AKC SB580329)
Bainin of Caernac CD *** OS (AKC SA915780 (8/72))
Featherquest Golden Diana (AKC SA377326 (8/67))
Featherquest Rip Van Winkle (AKC SA340875 (6/1968))
Featherquest Keoki (AKC SA350499 (12/68))

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