K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Newbourne Caramel of Fordleymoor

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Newbourne Caramel of Fordleymoor
Fordleymoor Fen
Fordleymoor Florence
FTCh Bringwood Bobby of Brindlebay
Bringwood Bo of Bedgewood
FTW Bringwood Bo Of Bedgebrook
Bringwood Bee
Bringwood Delphi
Bringwood Lucy
Bringwood Beauty
Bringwood Polly
Bringwood Hector
Bringwood Toby
Bringwood Saffron
Bringwood Hayley
Bringwood Bliss Of Pinessprings
Bringwood Jade
Bringwood Chief
Bringwood Bush
Bringwood Sabre
FTW Waxham Emperor
Waxham Emmerdale
Waxham Emma
Bringwood Corrie
Rita of Readhead
Tuddenham Black Bruce
Flockfarm Benbecula
Brindlebay Gale
Brindlebay Storm
Birchams Delta of Brindlebay
Birchams Digit
Sladeway Fern of Brindlebay
Brindlebay Finch
Int + B FTCh Saxthorpe Buzzard of Brindlebay (11.5 years)
Saxthorpe Kestrel
Saxthorpe Hawk
Saxthorpe Osprey
Saxthorpe Falcon
Saxthorpe Harrier
Saxthorpe Eagle
FTCh Lafayette Tolley
Lafayette Tarka
Lafayette Quail
Lafayette Bracken
Lafayette Lombarda
Jessweep Sally of Saxthorpe
Friendly Fred Flintstone
Curious Barney Rubble
Tayta Of Beulah
Manor Prince
Ringsfield Hebee
Sophisticated Sheena
Weybridge Bella
Gemma Of Beccles
Brindlebay Whirlwind

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