
Golden Retriever

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Bringback's Shining Spencer

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Bringback's Shining Spencer
Bringback's Son of Odin
Bringback's Sagacity Skaycliff
Bringback's Sweet Schayler
Bringback's Smiling Shadow
Bringback's Clara
Bringback's Clarice
Bringback's Claudia
Bringback's Clemence
Bringback's Clio
SVCH Holway Odin
Holway Cookie
Holway Crinkle
Holway Jaffa
Holway Eccle
Standerwick Remus of Merryway
Eng. FT. CH. Standerwick Rhumba Of Pebbletoft
Standerwick Randolph
Standerwick Ranger
Standerwick Ricarda of Abnalls
Standerwick Robina
Standerwick Robriska of Ceagry
Eng. FT. CH. Earnsfield Teal
Katie Of Hitchin
Eng. FT. CH. Abnalls Hilary Of Standerwick
Abnalls Humphrey
FTW Abnalls Heidi Of Ruadth
Abnalls Harrison Of Tasco
Abnalls Hogan
Holway Muffin
Holway Mollie
Holway Chintz
Holway Widgeon of Clancallum
Holway Damask
Holway Taffeta
Holway Muslin
Holway Cotton
Holway Twill
Holway Velcro
Holway Viscose
Holway Bombazine
FTW Holway Milo
Holway Major of Riversway
Holway Miller
Rescue 159
Holway Maggie
Holway Megan
Holway Moss
Holway Master
Inpark Velvet of Holway
Holway Cema
FTW Holway Claret
Bringback's Flanna
Bringsback's Flanna
Bringback's Florentine
Sungold Lucky Wuk
Sungold Fair Play
DKBRCH Joe's Wuk
Joe's Cher
Sungold Sweet Sensation
Goldzack Smiling Queen
SUCH DKUCH SJCH Respons Specialist-Ten
Respons Solkatt-Ten
Respons Sextant-Ten
Ringmaster Penny

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