
Golden Retriever

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Golden De Luxe Energy

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Golden De Luxe Energy
Golden De Luxe Torque
Golden De Luxe Power
Golden De Luxe Acceleration
Golden De Luxe Pressure
Golden De Luxe Gravity
Bleki's Dusty
Bleki's Gina
Bleki`s Daisy
LP1 ?rnh?j's Bella Amigo
DKBRCH Joe's Wuk
Joe's Cher
?rnh?j's Arabella
?rnh?j's Aida
Golden Cinnah's Amanda
Nuch Waterloo's Phantom O'The Opera
Waterloo's Picadilly Circus
DK CH Shadowfax Sommer Cinnah
Shadowfax Atkins for Passion
Dt.Ch. Shadowfax Amazing Grace
Falkirk's ?owyn White Lady Of Rohan
Falkirk's Galadriel Lady Of L?rien
Falkirk's Melian Melyanna
Falkirk's Arwen Evenstar
Falkirk's L?thien Tin?viel
Falkirk's Yavanna Kement?ri
Falkirk's Legolas Lord Of The Woods
Falkirk's Mithrandir A Grey Pilgrim
SVCH Holway Odin
Holway Cookie
Holway Crinkle
Holway Jaffa
Holway Eccle
Standerwick Remus of Merryway
Eng. FT. CH. Standerwick Rhumba Of Pebbletoft
Standerwick Randolph
Standerwick Ranger
Standerwick Ricarda of Abnalls
Standerwick Robina
Standerwick Robriska of Ceagry
Holway Muffin
Holway Mollie
Holway Chintz
Holway Widgeon of Clancallum
Holway Damask
Holway Taffeta
Holway Muslin
Holway Cotton
Holway Twill
Holway Velcro
Holway Viscose
Holway Bombazine
Golden Runner's Titan Sidewinder
Golden Runner's Titan
Golden Runner's Titan Phoenix
Golden Runner's Titan Roadrunner
Golden Runner's Titan Gecko
Golden Runner's Titan Coyote
Golden Runner's Mithrandir
Joe's Jazzy
Joe's Nikita
Joe's Pepper
S VCH Joe's James Bond
Joe's Pierre
Dusky Sound's Husky

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