K9data.comLabrador Retriever

AmCH Davoeg's Irish Gold

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

AmCH Davoeg's Irish Gold
Am/Can CH Davoeg Silky Beau
CH Winelight's Bit Of Arrogance CD WC
Davoeg Diamond Jim
AmCH Briary Bonfire Of Windsong
Davoeg Sweet Arrogance
Briary Rosie Future
Briary Little Jazzbird
Briary Ballerina Blond
BISS AmCH CanCH Monarch's Black Arrogance CD WC
Monarch's Gusto
AmCH Monarch's Dusty Chief
Monarch's Wildwing Chieftain
Wildwing's Penny Ante
AmCH Monarch's Barnaby Jewel
Briary Moss Rose
AmCH Black Jim Of Rosecliff
AmCH Lockerbie Shillelagh
Briary Marzipan
Brygwen Brodie
Briary Gruff CD
AM Ch Briary Wren of Hark Ye
AmCH Briary Windstar
Briary Bonnie Bree
AmCH Briary Glencoe's Bonnie Jean CD WC
CH Briary Bustle
AmCH Briary Bonnie Briana
Avalon's Briary Briar
Am.Ch. Briary Bantry Bay
AmCH Briary Brian's Song
AmCH Briary Bluebell
AmCH Briary Shillelagh
Briary Brogue
AmCH Briary Brendan Of Rainell
Am CH Briary Bracken
Briary Bonnie Boru
Ch Briary's Trace Of Brian
Am CH Lockerbie Brian Boru WC
Twillingate Dutchess
AmCH Lockerbie Shillelagh

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