K9data.comLabrador Retriever

AmCH Mytym Jacobs Field UDX RN JH AX AXP AXJ AJP

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

AmCH Mytym Jacobs Field UDX RN JH AX AXP AXJ AJP (OFA LR-EL5131M24-T)
AmCH Linrays Moonshiner Of Mika's
Am/Can CH Davoeg Silky Beau
CH Winelight's Bit Of Arrogance CD WC
Davoeg Diamond Jim
AmCH Briary Bonfire Of Windsong
Davoeg Sweet Arrogance
AmCH Davoeg's Irish Gold
Briary Rosie Future
Briary Little Jazzbird
Briary Ballerina Blond
BISS AmCH CanCH Monarch's Black Arrogance CD WC
Monarch's Gusto
Briary Marzipan
Tabatha's Feather At Linray
Tabatha Borowick Shooter
Tabatha's Brazos Truffle
Wyndcalls Druid O'Tabatha
CanCH Tabatha's Chaos WC
AmCH Tabatha's Sparkler
AmCH Tabatha's Up'N At'Em Of Linray
Tabatha's Tallyho
Ch Tabatha's Sweet Delilah
Am CH Tabatha's Valleywood Decoy WC
AmCH Valleywood Skyrocket
Shamrock Acre Blockade Runer
Shamrock Acres Lucy Lou CD
AmCH Shamrock Acres Black Walnut
Shamrock Acres Honey Valcar
Am.Ch. Shamrock Acres Solid Gold
CH Shamrock Acres Applique
CH Shamrock Acres Total Eclipse II CD (OFA LR-EL1632M104-T)
MULTI BISS AM/CAN CH Ebonylane's Midnite Bandit CD WC (OFA LR-EL487M133)
Am/Can CH Ebonylane's Aslan
AmCH Shamrock Acres Yellow Ribbon
Shamrock Acres Chantilly
Bench Mark Hollidaze On Ice
MULTI BISS AM/CAN CH Ebonylane's Midnite Bandit CD WC (OFA LR-EL487M133)
Am/Can CH Ebonylane's Aslan
CH Bench Mark Crystal Springs CDX AWC

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