K9data.comLabrador Retriever

ARG GCH, ARG CH, INT CH, GBZ CH Del Helvet Can Vivaldi

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

ARG GCH, ARG CH, INT CH, GBZ CH Del Helvet Can Vivaldi (BVA 3:5)
FINW-03 Mailiksen Gentleman (A/A)
Mailiksen Glamour Girl (A/A)
Mailiksen Jesting Jane (FCI A/A)
SUCH FIUCH Strongline's Eternal Flame (A/A)
C.I.B. FIN CH EE CH LT CH Strongline's Enjoying Around (FCI A/B)
Strongline's Wrangler
FIN Ch Strongline's Easy Known (FCI A/A)
RU CH UKR CH LV CH BY CH Strongline's Echo
CIB, FIN Ch, FIN TRCh, RU Ch 7 Strongline's Well-Known (FCI A/A)
FIN Ch, FIN FTCh SE Ch Strongline's Piggywiggy (FCI C/B)
FIN Ch Strongline's Extra Jolly (FCI C/C)
NO V-11 SE V-98 EE CH FI MVA Tawastway's Fooling Around WW-98 (FCI B/C)
Tawastway's First Harvest (FCI B/B)
C.I.B. FIN CH EE CH Strongline's Jolly Known (FCI A/A)
FI UCH Strongline's Just Illusion (A/A)
Ch. Mailiksen Lumikki (B/B)
Mailiksen Villi-Ruusu (A/A)
Cornlands Lady Aster
CH Esp. Int.CH Cornlands Pisces
Cornlands Perseus (BVA 6/3)
Cornlands Argus at Cedartree (JW) (BVA 10/11)
Sh Ch Marmaduke Maximus at Cornlands JW (BVA 6:6)
Cantatrice Katherine Avec Beskerby (BVA 5/5)
Cornlands Dusty Star (BVA 5:7)
Swiss Ch., DE Ch Cornlands Continental Star (FCI C 2)
Cornlands Lady Crocus of Dreemskerry (BVA 9:7)
Cornlans Lady Celastrus
Cornlands Lady Cosmos
Cornlands Rockingham Of Carpenny
GB Sh Ch Cornlands Wellington JW (BVA 7:3)
CIB GB SH CH NORD CH Carpenny Walpole (BVA 5-5)
BE Ch Carpenny Winchester
Carpenny Webson Of Guidewell
Carpenny Webton
Carpenny Whickers
Carpenny Willing Of Guidewell
Carpenny Winnie (BVA 6/3)
Carpenny Wishing
Cornlands Lady Mimosa (BVA 3:5)

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