
Golden Retriever

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Dd's Majestic Golden Marvelous Mack

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Dd's Majestic Golden Marvelous Mack (AKC SR41787607 (2-09))
Golden Shadow Bell's Bear (AKC SN90706704 (9-06))
Sarah's Golden Bear II (AKC SN50369801)
Walters' Hans Christopher (AKC SM85272104)
Backroad Little Bit of Lace (SN054059/11 (12-94))
Lady April of Spring (AKC SN05405909 (7-94))
Ross' Golden Sugar (AKC SN04781901)
Lady Isabelle Dot Com (AKC SN63264110)
Bw's Jo (AKC SN53816511 (7-99))
Schnieder's Dusty Rose (AKC SN53816505)
Rainbow Golden Abraham (AKC SN12985102 (7-95))
Micah's Golden Star (AKC SN30451606 (6-97))
Rayon Of Maran-Atha (AKC SN30451604 (2-98))
Davidson's Holly Belle (AKC SN91451406 (2-04))
Rusty's Golden Delight (AKC SN59478606)
Princess Parker
Prince Baxter Bear (AKC SN32693905)
Brenda's Golden Delight II (AKC SN13986702)
Cassie's Golden Lady III (AKC SN71269605)

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