
Golden Retriever

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Doubleuse Caffe Vanilla

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Doubleuse Caffe Vanilla
Doubleuse Irish Coffee
Doubleuse Caffe Chocolate
SE LCH Doubleuse Caffe Caramel
Doubleuse Espresso
Doubleuse Caffe Latte
Doubleuse Cappuccino
TJH(RDH) Höghedens Lord Mac Milton
Höghedens Loch Tay
LPI Höghedens Loch Leven
LPI Höghedens Lord Mac Duff
LPI Höghedens Lord Mac Leod
Höghedens Loch Ness
Höghedens Loch Nell
Greenfoot Ritz
Greenfoot Fetlar
F.T.W Greenfoot Rum
FTW Greenfoot Barra
Greenfoot Buick
Rakelands Smokey
Rakelands Tuna
Stjärnglimtens Extasia
SJCH NJCH LP1 Stjärnglimtens Epson
Stjärnglimtens Extra
TJH LPI Rockdove's Toffy Gentleman
LPI SJCH Rockdove's Anabelle
Rockdove's Thunder N'lightning
S FTCH SAgCH SVCH SLCH Rockdove's Time Keeper of Big Ben
Rockdove's Twisted Sister
LPI LPII Höghedens Kayenne (12 years)
Höghedens Kapris
NORDJCH Doubleuse Bella Donna
Doubleuse Don Quijote
Doubleuse Don Juan
Doubleuse Don Giovanni
Doubleuse Bella Ragazza
Doubleuse Bella Notte
SJ(J)CH Doubleuse Bella Note
Doubleuse Don Corleone
Lyon Valor
Margorie Versaille af Windfields
F.T.W Whinhams Reeves
Vantets Victoria
Eng. FT. CH. Rossmhor of Clancallum
Willowspring Honey Bee
Eng. FT. CH. Dollar Of Clancallum (10.5 years)
Willowspring Fern
Funfair's Candy Floss
Willowspring Little Jem
Kentee Almond
Princess Jewel
Great Eagle at Gillandant
Keness Blaze of Glory
SJCH Doubleuse Seazally
Doubleuse Seacruise
TJH Doubleuse Seabird
Doubleuse Seashell
Doubleuse Searover
NJCH SJCH Doubleuse Seaswallow
Seamas Mhor of Clancallum (13.5 years)
Tender of Alster
Dunnock of Beeston
SJCH Tatmore Snipe
SJCH Doubleuse Griddlebone
LP SLCH SJCH Doubleuse Macavity
Doubleuse Rumpleteazer
Doubleuse Bombalurina
Doubleuse Jellylorum
Doubleuse Grizzabella
Doubleuse Jellicle-Cat

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