
Golden Retriever

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Beaumaris Admiration

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Beaumaris Admiration (AKC SD575328)
Beaumaris Angelica (AKC SD-575330)
Am. CH Beaumaris Autumn Sunset CD CGC TDI (AKC SD-582857)
Beaumaris Auld Lang Syne
Am. CH. Beaumaris Raykist All-Star (AKC SD-614688)
Beaumaris Pied Piper (AKC SE121220)
Beaumaris Applause (AKC SD575332)
Beaumaris Deity Dartholomew (AKC SD928559)
BISS Am./Can. CH. Beaumaris Timberee Tessa Ann UDT WC VCX Can. CD WC SDHF (AKC SD-580422)
Am. CH Beaumaris Miramichi Duran OS (AKC SE011954)
Am. CH. Beaulieu's Line Drive CDX OS (AKC SC952766 (2-83))
Beaulieu's Panttera (AKC SD503150)
Beaulieu's Lady Carrie (AKC SC958189)
Am. CH. Beaulieu's Pristina WC OD (AKC SD-479989)
Am. CH. Beaumaris Sunshine Scotsman CD OS (AKC SC207786)
Beaumaris Flying Scotsman CD (AKC SC071178 (6-78))
Beaumaris English Chablis (AKC SC301515 (4-80))
Can. CH Beaumaris English Jubilee Can. CD OD (AKC SC301514)
Beaumaris English Sixpence (AKC SC301523)
Beaumaris Scottish Plaid (AKC SC144307)
Beaumaris Brau Bricht Bairn CD (AKC SC119557 (11/1979))
Am. CH. Beaumaris Clansman (AKC SA-996344-2/77)
Am. CH Beaumaris Gaelic Dancer CD (AKC SA998241)
Beaumaris Ainsel Meghan OD (AKC SB003154)
Deerflite Selina OD (AKC SB372450 (11/1974))
NORDUCH INTUCH Deerflite Salome (Other S50998/74)
Deerflite Fame Of Starlance
Deerflite Flirtation
Ch Deerflite Illustrious
Deerflite Sceptre of Clevegold
Am. CH. Beaulieu's Bristol Fashion WC OD (AKC SB-822516)
Am. CH Beaulieu's Indian Tracker CD WCX (AKC SC861407)
Beaulieu's Beckett (AKC SB866070)
Beaulieu's Born Blonde (AKC SB809753 (8/1977))
Beaulieu's Big Shamus Royce (AKC SB817815 (12/79))
Beaulieu Bramble Of Kris-Keen (AKC SB909318)
Beaulieu's Happy Easter Of Kriskeen
Beaulieu's Isis Of Glenmist CD (AKC SD020170)
Beaulieu's Idyll O'Brintborne CD (AKC SC957200)
Consul Of Yeo CDX WC OS (AKC SB-389951-2/76)
Fantasy Of Yeo OD (AKC SB-454850-2/76)
Aust. CH Flair Of Yeo
Flicka Of Yeo
Flarepath of Yeo
Country Dancer of Yeo
Colour Sergeant of Yeo
Checkpoint of Yeo (Other S50063/77)
Craftsman Of Yeo
Am. CH. Beaumaris Aspen Hill Tessa OD (AKC SC-732578)
Am CH Aspen Hill's Stormy Knight (AKC SC765436 (8/84))
Beaumaris Knightcap CD (AKC SC008275 (9/78))
Can. CH Beaumaris Jonore's Kaspar CDX WC Can CDX (AKC SC-025528)
Beaumaris HGL Viking Keenote (AKC SC044593 (10/79))
Am. CH. Beaumaris Pekay's Kilowatt OS (AKC SB997516 (4/78))
Goldhunter's Beaumaris K O (AKC SC043124 (4-78))
Am./Can./Mex. CH. Cal-Vo's Happy Ambassador Am./Can. CD OS SDHF (AKC SA837152 (12/72))
Cal-Vo's High Priority (AKC SB502441 (12/1975))
Cal-Vo's Khaki Tartan (AKC SB714930)
Am. CH. Cal-Vo's El Capitan CD (AKC SB-264280)
Am. Ch. Cal-Vo's Copper Commander (AKC SB098588 (10/1974))
Calvo's Korn Flake (AKC SB791562)
Am.Can.Ch. Alderbrooke Calvo Heritage UD Can. CDX (AKC SB541188)
Sabahka's Alexis of Cal-Vo (AKC SA823140)
Denmar's Halfpenny of Cal-Vo (AKC SB612878 (8/75))
Am CH Cal-Vo's Kind Destiny (AKC SB778688 (6/1977))
Am CH Cal-Vo's Special Kay (AKC SB776713)
Am Ch Cal-Vo's Cindra Of Deebee (AKC SB58250 (3/74))
Starfarm's Challange Of Cal-Vo (AKC SB050343 (12-75))
Am. CH. Sabahka's Alexander Of Cal-Vo CD OS (AKC SA823141 (2/1974))
AmCH Hgl's Happy Charisma Of Cal-Vo CD WC (AKC SB045461 (12/1974))
Am. CH. Beaumaris Bide Me Fair (AKC SB-485101)
Gemstar Marisa Of Tangleloft UD OD (AKC SB-523447)
Gold Coast's Golden Sandstorm CD (AKC SC020147)
BIS Am. CH Gold Coast Here Comes The Sun CD OS SDHF (AKC SB981196 (4/78))
Gold Coast's Morning Mist
Am. CH. Autumn Lodge's Mister Zap CD ** OS (AKC SA968871 (10/74))
Autumn Lodge's Magill (AKC SA979853 (9/1973))
Am.CH. Sir Duncan Of Woodbury OS (AKC SB023769 (2/78))
Saint Moishe Pride Of Tabhill (AKC SB534693 (3/76))
Autumnlodge's Apple (AKC SB800452 (6/76))
Mex. CH. HGL Tomlin's Happy Together UD WC (AKC SB575439 (10/76))

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