
Golden Retriever

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Charmlee's Yarrow

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Charmlee's Yarrow (12.5 years)
Charmlee's Grover CD WC (12.5 years)
Charmlee's Diamond In The Ruff WCX JH CD RN CGN VN (13.5 years)
Charmlee's Maxx (11 years)
Charmlee's Rosie Rider Pride (12.5 years)
Charmlee's Christmas Holly (8.5 years)
Charmlee's Daisy
Charmlee's Stony Topaz (11 years)
Charmlee's Luna Lovelace
Charmlee's Molly Brown PCD, RN, CGN
Kamlyn I Glassloon Tully Bear CCA Can. CDX WCX MH (12.5 years)
Can. Ch. Tashora One True Cosmic Bear Can CDX WCI SH (10.5 years)
Can Ch, OTCH Tashora Quest For the One JH WC (10 years)
Tashora I'll Be The One
Tashora One From Heaven (12.5 years)
Can. CH. Stanroph Secret Weapon Can. CD (11.5 years)
Stanroph Stolen Love Of Benwyl
Stanroph Stolen Moments At Garvin
Stanroph Solo Flight
Stanroph Stolen Gem
Can OTCh Tashora Jazzey Java
Tashora English Breakfast
Tashora Kombucha Can CD, CGC
Tashora Cuesta Constant Comment
Can. Ch. Tashora Original Chai (14.5 years)
Eng. CH. Stanroph Sailor Boy KCJW (11 years)
SUCH Stanroph Sincerely Yours (12 years)
Stanroph Sailor Man (13 years)
Stanroph Sally Ann for Ritzilyn
Stanroph Social Climber
Can. CH. Tashora Ranchosiera Moonstruck GRCC OD (14.5 years)
Tashora Spotlight On Gladstone Can CD, WC, Am. CD (13.5 years)
Tashora Guiding Light (13.5 years)
GMOTCh Charmlee's Jade WCX SH AGXJS AGXS RE DD BDD Am CDX (17.5 years)
Charmlee's My Golden Buddy (15 years)
Charmlee's Rio Ranger CD SH WCX (14 years)
Charmlee's Sasha (11.5 years)
Charmlee's Garsan Crocus (11.5 years)
Charmlee's Jacob
OTCh MHR Ram River Betchucan SH WCX (14 years)
Ram River Candy's Buddy Can WCX SH
Ram River Rave Of Topbrass
Ram River Risky Business Can MH
Ram River Rapid CGC, TDI
Ram River Snowbird
Ram River Molley JH
Ramriver Corbec's On the Money
Ram River Casey
Ram River Palomine Can *** (14 years)
Ram River Ossa
FTCH AFTCH RamRiver's Big Country Flyer Can. WCX MH FDHF
Ram River Alberta Rose CanWC
FTCH AFTCH Tia Mainly Sunny Can FDHF (13.5 years)
Tia Golden Inspiration
MHR Tia Cazador De Pato Can *** MH
Charmlee's Autumn Topaz Can. CDX WCI JH (13 years)
MOTCH Charmlee's Turbo WCX SH TDX AGXS AGIJS DD RA Am CDX (12 years)
Charmlee's Joker's Wild CanCDX WCX TDX SH Am CD (12.5 years)
Charmlee's Costalota Cruiser CD (11.5 years)
Charmlee's Abby Jasmine Foote (11 years)
Charmlee's Precious Angel
Charmlee's Sage (12 years)
Charmlee's Hooray for Hollywood
Charmlee's Jake
Charmlee's Max (10 years)
Charmlee's Ryker (11 years)
Charmlee's Daddy's Little Girl
Can. OTCH. Wheatfields A Plus JH, WCX, Am. CDX,JH,WCX (11.5 years)
OTCH. Wheatfields Walkin on Water WC CGC (14 years)
NAHRA MHR Can.O.T.Ch Wheatfields Often Erudite WCX JH
Wheatfields Master Mind
Can. OTCH. Golden Prairie Lucky Charm WCI CGC OD (14.5 years)
Mid Meadow's Tanner
Red Eternal Legacy (13 years)
Kelly's Reba (14 years)
Little Lady Jill (14 years)
Keshia Shining Knight

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