
Golden Retriever

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Spica v.d. woudstreek

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Spica v.d. woudstreek
Sienna v.d. Woudstreek
Abnalls Roland (Other NHSB 2510322 IMP.(E)
Abnalls Benjamin of Marshflight
Abnalls Barley of Deadcraft
Abnalls Rachelle of Deadcraft
Abnalls Beau Brummel of Tauvechan (AH02054001)
Abnalls Rodney af Go Wild (UKC AE00477903)
Abnalls Rory (Other DKK 17285/04)
Tauvechan Minstrel
Tauvechan Meteor
Tauvechan Marguerite
Tauvechan Medlar
Tauvechan Melody
Tauvechan Mimosa
Tauvechan Myrtle of Tarinomagh
Tauvechan Magic
Tauvechan Magnum
Holway Dickon
Holway Dazzle (Other KCR W2685701W03)
Holway Evita
Holway Empress (NHSB2075528)
Holway Ellie at Melgold
Holway Emma
Holway Eric
Holway Emperor
Holway Dawn
Holway Dabble
Holway Daniel
Holway Digger
Holway Doris
Leeglen Tornado of Tauvechan
Leeglen Spark
Canburne Sage Of Benscliffe
Leeglen Harrier Of Clancallum
Leeglen Kestrel Of Clancallum
Leeglen Peregrine Of Benscliffe
Leeglen Flash
Leeglen Thunder Of Clancallum
Leeglen Nora Of Haremire
FTW Leeglen Milo (UKC T2847611T02/3453CG)
Leeglen Lightening
Leeglen Storm
Leeglen Gyr (Other KCR V3853406V03)
Canburne Sorrel
Leeglen Montagu Of Canburne
FTW Canburne Fennel of Lafayette
Abnalls Cleopatra
Abnalls Cordelia of Lingholme (Z1237708Z01)
Abnalls Cassidy of Eastdale
Abnalls Carry
Abnalls Clever Clogs of Catcombe
Abnalls Connor
Abnalls Carina
Abnalls Clarissa
Abnalls Crystal
Abnalls Cassandra
FTW Catcombe Clever
Catcombe Credit
Catcombe Canny
Catcombe Chancey
Standerwick Ricarda of Abnalls
Eng. FT. CH. Standerwick Rhumba Of Pebbletoft
Standerwick Randolph (U1287703U02)
Standerwick Ranger
Standerwick Robina (4193BS)
Standerwick Remus of Merryway
Standerwick Robriska of Ceagry
Rymke v.d. Woudstreek (Other NHSB)
Renesh v.d. Woudstreek (NHSB)
Reska v.d. Woudstreek (Other NHSB)
Riis v.d. Woudstreek (Other NHSB)
Rimmer v.d. Woudstreek
Riva v.d. Woudstreek (Other NHSB)
Ruben v.d. Woudstreek (Other NHSB)
Roserick v.d. Woudstreek (Other NHSB)
Happymover Balszac (Other FCI/VDH/DRC 15128)
Happymover Berryl (Other FCI/VDH/DRC 15125)
Deutscher Arbeitschampion Happymover B.C. Pearl (Other FCI/VDH/DRC 9915130)
Happymover Ben (Other FCI/VDH/DRC 15124)
Happymover Biloux (Other FCI/VDH/DRC 15126)
Happymover Brave (Other FCI/VDH/DRC 9915127)
Happymover Bellis (Other FCI/VDH/DRC 9915129)
Joe's Jeff (04624/94)
Joe's Kira Wira (DK 04616/94)
Joe's Sahna
Joe's Rollo (DK 04620/94)
Joe's Tim (Other DJR 21-0026-02)
Rayleas Lisbeth
Rayleas Lydon (Other SwedKC # S49866/94)
Rayleas Laris (Other KC Reg. U1013205U01)
Rayleas Lucianna at Stradcot (Other KC Reg. U1013202U01)
Fin. CH. Rayleas Lawrence (Other KC Reg. U1013207U01)
Only Fetch vd Woudstreek (Other NHSB)
Osprey v.d. Woudstreek (Other NHSB)
Oberon v.d. Woudstreek (Other NHSB)
Owen v.d. Woudstreek (Other NHSB)
Omega v.d. Woudstreek (Other NHSB)
Olivier v.d. Woudstreek
Olden Timothy v.d. Woudstreek (Other NHSB)
Our Luca v.d. Woudstreek (Other NHSB)
Omar v.d. Woudstreek (Other NHSB)
Baveybuilt Bacchus (Unknown Y3657006Y03)
Baveybuilt Merlot
F.T.W Baveybuilt Vinho of Gospelash
Little Spica v.d. Woudstreek
Lucky Luuk v.d. Woudstreek (NHSB)
Lucas v.d. Woudstreek (NHSB)
Lars v.d. Woudstreek (NHSB 2110749)
Limit v.d. Woudstreek (NHSB 2110757)
Little Joey v.d. Woudstreek (NHSB 2110751)
Lizzy v.d. Woudstreek (NHSB 2110755)

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