
Golden Retriever

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Tulip Tree Clara

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Tulip Tree Clara
Tonka De Amor
Carais Mick Dundee (OFA GR-103387G34M-VPI)
White Dove Babycakes
White Dove Sonnyboy
Jones' Quincy
White Dove What A Cutie
White Dove Bubbles (OFA GR-103359G48F-VPI)
Carais Barkley Ludde Junior (OFA GR-102093F28M-VPI)
Carais All That Jazz (OFA GR-105849F46F-VPI)
Carais Magic Maggie (OFA GR-105848G46F-VPI)
Carais My Lucky Charm (OFA GR-103386G34F-VPI)
White Dove's Forrest From The South (OFA GR-100772G36M-NOPI)
Goldenone Star Night (OFA GR-111854G111M-VPI)
LP1 LP2 GoldenOne Star Light (A/B)
Vice-WW'06, Swe Sh Ch, Norw Ch, Pl Ch, Lv Ch Dewmist Silkventure SweW-06-07-08-09, LvW-07 (A/A (2003))
CH Dewmist Silkchaser (HD Grad A (9/22/2003))
Isr. Ch. dewmist Silkmorency (B1)
Dewmist Silkcharade (B1)
Dewmist Silkshooter
NordJW, Swe Sh CH, DK Sh CH, INT Sh CH (C.I.E) Dewmist Silkmarillion (Unknown HD A1)
Dewmist Silkjourney (3:3 BVA)
Dewmist Starquette (A)
Dewmist Starchelle
Dewmist Starflight (HD A (9/3/2003))
SE U(U)CH SE V-11 NORD VV-11 Dewmist Starcadia (HD BB 2004-06-23)
White Dove Smore Cupcake
White Dove Junior
White Dove Sadie
White Dove A Ladies Man
White Dove Aspen Colorado
Maggie Mae III (OFA GR-84709G35F-PI)
White Dove Lilla Skorpan
White Dove Saltwater Taffy
White Dove Drivin Miss Sofie
CanCH Tottelina Orchestra (OFA GR-81041G47M-NOPI)
Tottelina Opera
2xCAC, R.CAC Tottelina Orchid In Snow (B/B(199?))
Multi Ch & Multi W Tottelina Observer (A/A (2000))
Tottelina Othello
ChFin Tottelina Oaktown Oliver (0/0)
Goldmaster's Chanelle (OFA GR-63631G24F-T)
Goldmaster's Francesca
Amor De Oro Be Loved Angel De Amor (OFA GR-97843F38F-VPI)
Amor de Oro Beloved My Olivia (FCI A)
Amor de Oro Be Loved Bonne
Amor de Oro Be Loved Max
Amor de Oro Be Loved Floyd
Amor de Oro Be Loved Floor
Oliver Hardy v.d. Beerse Hoeve (Unknown HD A1)
Dutch Ch., Ger. Ch., VDH Ch., Ger. Jr. CH. Xanthos Apple Jack Europa Jgs Sgr01, Bundessieger06, Brussels Winner (BVA 3:3)
Xanthos Apple Charlotte (Sweden HD A (1/16/2001))
Xanthos Lemon Barley
Xanthos Master Quince
Xanthos Peach Melba
Xanthos Pineapple Pol
Xanthos Professor Plum (Sweden HD C (12/17/2001))
Xanthos Sherbet Lemon
Dutch Ch. Lambada v.d. Beerse Hoeve (B1B2)
VDH JCH. Hummingbird v.d. Beerse Hoeve (B1)
Sarabande v. d. Beerse Hoeve (HD C (2))
Get Smart From The Golden Lely
Ultiem Dannick From the Golden Lely
Samantha from the Golden Lely

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