
Golden Retriever

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Rockyridge Mi Gaucho CD

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Rockyridge Mi Gaucho CD (AKC SB782537 (5/76))
Parkview's Golden Girl (AKC SB879806 (1-77))
Rockyridge Patti (AKC SC057082)
Glorybee Gaucho De Baron (AKC SA944039 (11/1973))
Nugget Of Alkali Flats (AKC SA973479 (10/1973))
Glorybee The Red Baron (AKC SA789919 (9-71))
Glorybee's Bombadier (AKC SA789918 (10/71))
Gypsy Gold of Hudson Valley (AKC SA793384 (7-81))
Am./Can. CH. Carmel Goldens Bailiff (AKC SA617945 (5/70))
Am. CH. Carmel Golden's Blooming Rose (AKC SA617946 (2/74))
Am. CH. Carmel Golden's Bernard (AKC SA586357 (12-71))
Am. CH. Carmel Golden's Beag Carraig (AKC SA648819 (5/72))
Carmel Goldens Bit O'Honey (AKC SA-585092-4/73)
Carmel Golden's Burgandy Lass CD (AKC SA586358 (6/71))
Glorybee Dusty Ruffles CD OD (AKC SA494131 (5/70))
Am. CH. Roblyn's Folly Of Sun Dance (AKC SA492207 (4/73))
Am. CH. Bronze Star Of Sun Dance (AKC SA489383 (11/1970))
Glorybee Li'l Abner (AKC SA494130 (4/69))
Glorybee Tara Dhu (AKC SA658175 (4/71))
Golden Valine (AKC SA660297 (12/71))
Glorybee Ben-Sam (AKC SA658173 (11/70))
Glorybee Li'l Abner (AKC SA494130 (4/69))
Glorybee Dusty Ruffles CD OD (AKC SA494131 (5/70))
Am. CH. Roblyn's Folly Of Sun Dance (AKC SA492207 (4/73))
Am. CH. Bronze Star Of Sun Dance (AKC SA489383 (11/1970))
Amber Shadows (SA232620) CD (AKC SA232620 (4/69))
Golden Duchess of Downing UD (AKC SA191158 (8/66))
Bonniwell Buff (AKC SA309376 (7-68))
Rockyridge Melissa (AKC SA735568 (5/70))
Rockyridge Amy (AKC SA901787 (8-71))
Shabbona of Rocky Ridge (AKC SA125836 (5/1969))
King Long-Shot (AKC SA195341 (10-63))
Gogebic Sandy (AKC SA118361 (6/63))
Cronin's Missie (AKC SA201910 (6/64))
Kumonee Waterboy (AKC S957862 (11/1961))
Am. CH. Kumonee's Golden Naiadee (AKC S-913928)
Am. CH. Kumonee Dreamgirl (AKC S927859 (6/63))
Am. CH. Kumonee Beginner's Luck (AKC S927860 (3/1960))
Am./Can. CH. Kumonee Little-Sis (AKC S-927861-6/65)
Am. CH. Kumonee Whistle Bait (AKC S927863 (3/1960))
Princess V (AKC SA70650 (11/61))
Nokomis Fawne (AKC S985167 (11/1959))
Jack's Golden King (AKC SA48589 (10/63))
Glory B. of Rocky Ridge (AKC SA474607 (5/69))
Harrison's Brownie D J (AKC SA735947 (9/70))
Halverson's Colorado Red (AKC SA681779 (8/1970))
Robbins Sir Golden Robbie (AKC SA309085 (5/68))
Emmingham's Tina (AKC SA311697 (10/1966))
Wimtmb (SA455724) (AKC SA455724 (11-68))
Hayden's Danny Boy (AKC SA144028 (5/1965))
Ivar Skivar (AKC SA234515 (4/1966))
Tanya Belle's Hallie (AKC SA145651 (12/1964))
Run Away Belle (AKC SA267530 (11/1964))
Princess Mae (AKC SA144054 (4/64))
Robbin's Lady Gertrude (AKC SA181251 (5/1965))
Waylyn Golden Taffy (AKC SA188042 (7/1964))

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