K9data.comLabrador Retriever

As Game As Claire

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

As Game As Claire (A2/A2)
As Game As Carrie (B1/A2)
Rosefair Charly Brown (A2)
Rosefair Chocolate Edition (A1)
Winner Belgien '99 Little-Ben du Taillis Madame (A1)
Bel./Lux.Ch. Brandham Make Me A Star for Oulsmi (A (0))
Brandham Imperial Wizard at Dumbledale (BVA 12/7)
Brandhams Hold Me Close (BVA 2/5)
Isis Du Bois des Lilas (LOF 064299/12212) (A)
Iquem Du Bois Des Lilas
Iena Du Bois Des Lilas (A)
Brookland-Rosefair Seabreeze (A2)
Brookland's Allendale Gambler (OFA LR-73908G33M-T)
Brooklands Sable N' Pearl (OFA LR-70823G52F)
Am.Ch. Brookland's Decoy Harlequin (OFA Good)
Queens Muddie aus Lühlsbusch (B2)
Ursus aus Lühlsbusch (A1)
Quartus aus Lühlsbusch (C1)
Yuhle aus Lühlsbusch (A2)
Umbra aus Lühlsbusch (FCI A2)
Yosta aus Lühlsbusch (A2)
Qora aus Lühlsbusch (A1)
Dt.Ch./Int.Ch./VDH-Ch. Warringah's Cobb BHP, JP/R, BLP, JEP (BVA 4:5)
NORD UCH INT UCH Warringah's Cobblestone (A/A)
EngCH Cambremer Tom Cobbley of Charway (BVA 1/1)
Cambremer Gospel Singer (BVA 5/4)
GB SHCH Cambremer Tom Sawyer (BVA 2:2)
Cambremer Jazzmine (BVA 0-2)
Cambremer Huckleberry
Cambremer Tom Foolery
Cambremer Mark Twain
GB.Ch Warringah's Whortleberry (BVA 5/5)
GB Ch Warringah's Wallaroo (BVA 23/25)
Gaia aus Lühlsbusch
Gilda aus Lühlsbusch (FCI C1)
Fin.Ch. Loresho Love Mission (B)
Yenny aus Lühlsbusch (FCI A2)
VDH Ch. Yago aus Lühlsbusch (1)
VDH Ch. Franz-Josef aus Lühlsbusch (A2)
Frieda Aus Lühlsbusch (A2)

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