
Golden Retriever

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Lil Bit-O-Golden's Princess of America

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Lil Bit-O-Golden's Princess of America (AKC SR52449902)
Lil Bit-O-Golden's Chase (AKC SR52449904)
Cruzin With Boo (AKC SR52449901 (3-10))
Lil Bit-O-Golden's Eva Maria (AKC SR52449903)
Lil Bit-O-Golden's Charis Cinderella (AKC SR44362301)
Windchimes Cisco Kid (AKC SR59048902 (4-11))
Lil Bit-O-Goldens's Pretty Ellie (AKC SR44362302)
Silvermine Lil Bit-O-Gabriel (AKC SR31638603 (11-07))
Silvermine Chase Of Pacifica (AKC SR37740902)
Whirlwind Zephyr (AKC SR37740904)
Silvermine Gck's Maverick (AKC SR37740905)
Silvermine Jenna Louise (AKC SR37740906)
Silvermine Zeus (AKC SR46379001 (10-09))
Jefferson's Marley (AKC SR46379002)
Silvermine Bama Bell (AKC SR46379005)
Silvermine's Zest For Life (AKC SR46379006)
Silvermine Paloma Tasmin (AKC SR31638601)
Siverminespirit (AKC SR31638602)
Silvermine Gentle Ben (AKC SR31638604)
Silvermine's Carolina's Cassenova (AKC SR46379003 (3-09))
Chole III (AKC SR37740903 (8/08))
Del Helvet Can Tyson (AKC SR31432501 (4-06))
De Helvet Can Tatiana (AKC SR33862501 (10-08))
Del Helvet Can Tiffany (AKC SR31432502)
Dewmist Silkshooter (Other S56839/2002)
CH Dewmist Silkchaser (Other SwedKC# S56842/2002)
Isr. Ch. dewmist Silkmorency
Dewmist Silkcharade (S56844/2002)
NordJW, Swe Sh CH, DK Sh CH, INT Sh CH (C.I.E) Dewmist Silkmarillion
Dewmist Silkjourney (Other s56841-2002)
Vice-WW'06, Swe Sh Ch, Norw Ch, Pl Ch, Lv Ch Dewmist Silkventure SweW-06-07-08-09, LvW-07 (Other S56843/2002)
Del Helvet Can Irina (L.O.E. 1.307.366)
Universal De Zolotisty (AKC SR31376601 (4/06))
Silvermine Ponce De Leon (AKC SR46045301)
Silvermine Rio De Oro Blanco (AKC SR46045302)
Silvermine Zena The Warrior Queen (AKC SR46045303 (1/09))
Silvermine Mystic (AKC SR32474402)
Silvermine's Mandi (AKC SR32474404)
Wisteria's Maximillian (AKC SR32474401)
Mult. Int. CH. Watersdale Adam (AKC SR26507501 (12-05))
Watersdale Ailsa
Watersdale Ainsley
Watersdale Bella
Watersdale Alair
Watersdale Angela (AKC SR26507502 (04-09))
Watersdale Arnelia
Watersdale Athelia
Gustosamente Tuya De Zolotisty (Other LOE 1.203.499)
Lil Bit-O-Golden's Serinity (AKC SR38220306 (11-07))
Lil Bit-O-Goldens Chopper (AKC SR38220302)
Hulfachor's First Snow (AKC SR38220304)
Lil Bit-O-Golden's Moses Thomas (AKC SR38220301)
Lil Bit-O-Golden's Morning Star (AKC SR38220305 (12/08))
Lil Angus' Top Secret Ruger (AKC SR33912503 (12/08))
Lil Angus Of The Morning Valley (AKC SR24161103 (1/2006))
Lady Darcy Of The Morning Valley (AKC SR24161102 (9-05))
Last Crusade of the Morning Valley (Netherlands)
UCI Int Ch Lady Jasmine Of The Morning Valley (AKC SR24161101 (12-06))
Lilla Flickan of the Morning Valley
SE U(U)CH NO UCH Jazzman's Da Capo (Other SwedKC # S56681/200)
Jazzman's De Lillo
Jazzman's Double Hope
Ragdoll Of The Morning Valley (Other NHSB 2302196)
Two Hills Golden Eye (AKC SR19491701 (8-06))
Laburnum's Double Oseven (Other N.H.S.B. 2187837)
Laburnum's Derby 1 CC 3 RCC's (Other NHSB)
CRO CH-J, San Marino CH-J Laburnum's Drummer Boy
Two Hills Injara

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