
Golden Retriever

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Beautiful Betsy Biscuit

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Beautiful Betsy Biscuit
Christmas Morning Bear
Arwen Evenstar Providence
Sir Gannon Skylon
Angel White Snowflakes
Toni Blair Povidence Hundre
Skylon Jingles White Christmas
Can. CH. Skylon Bentley
Sinjin's Ariel at Skylon
Sinjin's Abbey Road
Angels Misty Morning Prov C
Beauty Beast Belle Prov C
CanCH Cal-Vo's Grand Prix
Can.CH Cal-Vo's Graceful Geniveve CGC
Cal-Vo's Golden Gram
Can CH Cal-Vo's Gamely Gabriella
Calvo's Gweneviere Springold's
Cal-Vo's Sassy Cassie
Cal-Vo's Impossible Dream
Cal-Vo's Irish Cream
Calvo's Gandolph Of Springold's
Cal-Vo's G Man Bailey
Micweswil's Annie Gitcha Gun
Debras Sandy Chuckatuk
Sunny Glaser
Heppner's Sassy
Cheif Satchem Of Chesapeake (OFA GR-EL6172M25-PI)
Allanbank's Archduke Dusty
Grand Duchess Anastasia
Seasons Sunahli of Chesapeake
Seasons General Jackson
Season's-R- Gold 4 Cj's Hogan
Ain't Life Grand Lyle
Season's Golden Whisper
Holly Berry Christmas Merry
Season's Golden Ember
Carolina's Golden Summer

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