
Golden Retriever

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Pine Run's Jesse

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Pine Run's Jesse
Pine Run Cracklin Cheyenne CD (AKC SE297726)
Pine Run's Golden Sunrise (AKC SE308128)
Pine Run's Golden Snapper (AKC SE271977)
Pine Run's Cracklin' Sundown (AKC SE242107)
Pine Run Cracklin Sun Spirit (AKC SE733262)
Pine Run Cracklin Kiowa Storm CDX JH WCX (AKC SE570871)
OTCH Heelalong Cracklin' Sunfire TDX OS WC OBHF (AKC SC844836 (10-82))
Sunfires Little Hot Shot UD SH WCX NAHRA-started (AKC SD906782)
Heelalong Why Not Wyant CDX (AKC SD009764 (12/82))
Sun Fire's Running Bear (AKC SD002427)
Sun Fire's Double Ringer (AKC SD002290)
Sun Fire's Golden Taffy (AKC SD875288)
Sun Fire's Touch Of Spark UDT,WCX (AKC SD412257)
AFC Wild Fire Of Riverview CDX WCX OS FDHF (AKC SB847272 (2-80))
Riverviews Cockleburr (AKC SB936971 (3-79))
Somday's Flyaway Flair WC (AKC SB873519 (12-78))
Riverview's Kinike Rocket *** (AKC SA637940 (6/1971))
Kinike Super Sabre CD WC (AKC SA640634 (6/70))
Kinike Nixie (AKC SA637938 (3/1973))
Kinike Mike (AKC SA635153 (12/71))
Cedarhaven Kinike Blaze (AKC SA853970 (6/1975))
Kinike Enchantress *** (AKC SA637939 (5/71))
Spun Gold Bug (AKC SA957826 (7/1973))
Am. CH. Kinike Big Bad Red Of Topbrass CDX WC (AKC SA-893623)
Riverview's Nettles CDX OD (AKC SA976090 (5/1974))
Somday's Rising Sun Fire (AKC SC586402 (6-80))
Somday's Tally-O-Tawny UD (AKC SC513269)
Shoreland's Somday Shahasta (AKC SC542121 (4-80))
Somday's Mike
FC AFC Tigathoe's Kiowa II OS FDHF (AKC SB045105 (2/74))
Tigathoe's Kiowa (F) (AKC SA760338 (10/72))
FC AFC Tigathoe's Tonga FDHF (AKC SA928990 (3/75))
FC AFC Tigathoe's Magic Marker OD FDHF (AKC SA916015)
Dual CH AFC Tigathoe's Funky Farquar OS DDHF FDHF (AKC SB170187 (6/74))
Tigathoe's Tonka ** (AKC SB017244 (8/1972))
Tigathoes Chippewa (AKC SB151426)
Tigathoe's Misty Morning *** (AKC SB030200 (6/1979))
Tigathoe's Jicarilla *** (AKC SB041008)
Somday's Flyaway Flair WC (AKC SB873519 (12-78))
AFC Wild Fire Of Riverview CDX WCX OS FDHF (AKC SB847272 (2-80))
Riverviews Cockleburr (AKC SB936971 (3-79))
Pine Run's Ain't it Great CD WCX (AKC SC893392)
Pine Run's Lucki Luci (AKC SC860653)
Pine Run's Golden Sandy (AKC SC746558)
Pine Run's Dr. Watson (AKC SC739573)
Pine Run's Rowdy
Fairville's Pine Run Rory
Pine Run's Brandywine (1979)
Kiowa's Pine Run Rally CDX WCX (AKC SB839071)
Kiowa's Cinnamon Straw (AKC SC460107 (8-80))
Kiowa's Hearth Cricket (AKC SB928347)
Kiowa Shoshonian Chief (AKC SB892027)
Stephen's Buffy Love (AKC SC476330)
Kiowa's Tanner (SD019741) (AKC SD019741)
Kiowa's Sadler (AKC SB752540)
Kiowas Mandy (AKC SD288125)
Can FTCH Kiowa's Buckwheat *** (AKC SB-727401)
FC AFC Tigathoe's Kiowa II OS FDHF (AKC SB045105 (2/74))
Tigathoe's Kiowa (F) (AKC SA760338 (10/72))
FC AFC Tigathoe's Tonga FDHF (AKC SA928990 (3/75))
FC AFC Tigathoe's Magic Marker OD FDHF (AKC SA916015)
Dual CH AFC Tigathoe's Funky Farquar OS DDHF FDHF (AKC SB170187 (6/74))
Tigathoe's Tonka ** (AKC SB017244 (8/1972))
Tigathoes Chippewa (AKC SB151426)
Tigathoe's Misty Morning *** (AKC SB030200 (6/1979))
Tigathoe's Jicarilla *** (AKC SB041008)
Tigathoe's Mistress Meghan (AKC SB-365852)
Marscher's Golden Yoke Susan (AKC SC216672 (1/79))
Golden Yoke Bambi WCX (AKC SC-176698)
Kiowa's Eighteen Karat Gold (AKC SD-198649)
Bridgton's Golden Yoke Breez ** (AKC SC-446816)
Moreland's Golden Yoke Rocky (AKC SC209599)
Bargello's October Explosion (AKC SC257610)
Am CH Kiowa's Thunderwater Charo (AKC SC193008 (11/78))
Topbrass Knuckles CD ** (AKC SB695742)
Topbrass Toray's Laurels (AKC SB922497)
Topbrass Topaz of Windswept CD (AKC SB668509)
Topbrass Bing Bang Boomerang (AKC SB803400)
Topbrass Butterscotch Candy CD (AKC SB699047)
Topbrass Gold Coast Heather CDX (AKC SB-714253)
Topbrass Rainy Day Picnic (AKC SB710054 (9/1976))
Spindrif Golden Yoke Nutmeg (AKC SB382709)
Am CH Spindrif's Pekay Penny CDX (AKC SB382708 10-76)
Am CH Spindrif's Splashdown Ariel * (AKC SB382707)
Spindrif's Mississippi Wind WC OD (AKC SB-382706)

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