K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Alani Kellan von Moorfoot Hills

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Alani Kellan von Moorfoot Hills (0/0)
Alani Neyla von Moorfoot Hills (0)
Alani Makaio von Moorfoot Hills (0/0)
Alani Kalea von Moorfoot Hills (0)
Alani Liana von Moorfoot Hills (0/0)
Alani Nalu von Moorfoot Hills (0)
Int FTCH Levenghyl Mountain (FCI 0/0)
FT Ch Levenghyl Lionheart (2)
FT Ch Levenghyl Sun Dancer (2)
FTCh Levenghyl Silvercloud Of Drakeshead (0/0)
Levenghyl Topnotch
Levenghyl River of Chrisbrook
Levenghyl Sky Walker (0/0)
Levenghyl Shooting Star
Levenghyl Rising Star of Ffynongain
Levenghyl Brenna of Chisbrook (0/0)
FTCh Pocklea Adder (BVA 0)
Pocklea Alex
Pocklea Adam
Pocklea Andey
Pocklea Asp
FTW Pocklea Abba
Pocklea Apache
Pocklea Amy
FTCh Pocklea Remus
Pocklea Reed
GB FTCh Pocklea Reggie
Pocklea Ria
FTCh Pocklea Nettle
Pocklea Nancy of Middlegate
Pocklea Nash
Pocklea Nipper
Pocklea Nymph of Trioaks
FTCh Glenpatrick Eve
Glenpatrick Edelweiss
Glenpatrick Echo
Glenpatrick Ego
FTCh Glenpatrick Eclipse Of Craigenros
Glenpatrick Encore
Glenpatrick Envoy
Glenpatrick Elixir
Glenpatrick Escort
FTCh Garendon Captain
Garendon Cindy
FTCh Garendon Cassie of Ropehall
Garendon Chubb (0/0, OCD 0/0)
Garendon Corporal
Garendon Caper
Garendon Corma
FTCh Glenpatrick Halo
Glenpatrick Maple
Glenpatrick Luxus
Glenpatrick Plough
Glenpatrick Apollo Of Lablack
Glenpatrick Gigolo
Glenpatrick Impax
Adina Reja von der Gaisau (ED 0/0, OCD 0/0)
Ariana Reja von der Gaisau
FTCH Come Fast Fair Play (0/0)
Come Fast Forever Wischnu (0/0)
Come Fast Finnegan (0/0)
Come Fast Flower Breeze (0/0)
Come Fast Fancy Skill (2/1)
Come Fast Freggel (0/0)
Come Fast Flubber
FTCh Drakeshead Garth (BVA 0/0)
Drakeshead Saffron
Drakeshead Galaxy
Drakeshead Gentle Gary
Drakeshead Glen
Drakeshead Genie
Drakeshead Glow
Drakeshead Gale
Drakeshead Gemma
Drakeshead Crispin
Drakeshead Cathy
Drakeshead Clair
Drakeshead Cara of Millcreek
Drakeshead Corrie
Drakeshead Celia
Drakeshead Andrea (0/0)
FTCh Drakeshead Abba
Drakeshead Alpine
Drakeshead Ayrton Ft.W.
Drakeshead Annie of Prickwillow
Drakeshead Aston
Drakeshead Ashley
Drakeshead Amanda
Drakeshead Astra
Cara Isis vom Kralhof (0)
Brave Falco vom Kralhof (0)
Int.FTCh. Brave Aquila vom Kralhof (0/0, OCD 0/0)
Brave Rissa vom Kralhof
Brave Sitta vom Kralhof (0)
Brave Corax vom Kralhof (0)
FTW Buttermead Crusader (0 / 0)
Buttermead Buzzard
Buttermead Jay
Buttermead Kiwi
Buttermead Lapwing
Buttermead Nightingale
Buttermead Puffin
Buttermead Raven
Buttermead Skylark
Buttermead Wagtail
Buttermead Blackfoot
Buttermead Apache
Buttermead Navajo
Buttermead Cherokee
Buttermead Shawnee
Buttermead Shoshoni
Buttermead Huntress
Buttermead Chieftain
Buttermead Warlord
Buttermead Warrior
Buttermead Zulu
Buttermead Nomad
Branka vom Dienstberg (0, OCD shoulders: Clear)

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