
Golden Retriever

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Elysian's Hi Steppin Parade SH, CD, TD, WCX

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Elysian's Hi Steppin Parade SH, CD, TD, WCX (11.5 years)
Am. CH. Elysian's Reinin The Parade UD TD SH WCX VCX OD (10.5 years)
Am/Can CH. Elysian's No Rain On My Parade UD, JH, TD, RN, WCX, VCX (12.5 years)
Am. CH. VanReel Magnum of Stonecrest CD OS SDHF, HIT (10.5 years)
Am. CH M And M's Fur Real Vanreel
Am. CH. Vanreel's Absolutely Awsum OD (10.5 years)
Am. CH VanReel's Mister Hollywood
Am. CH Kazak's Marsha Mallow
Am. CH Stonecrest Whitney's Delight
Am. CH Monogram's Grand Finale (10.5 years)
Vanreels Amador Enchantress
Vanreels Jericho Victory
Gold-Rush The Right Stuff
Am. CH Skips VanReel Rockyrd Kazak (9 years)
Am. CH Calicos Challenge Of VanReel (9 years)
Am. CH Dalanes VanReel Auburn (11 years)
CH Vanreels Blonde Bombshell CD JH WC (7.5 years)
CH Vanreel's Max-N-Mom Effort OS SDHF (6.5 years)
Vanreel's Cory Of Shiloh
Gold-Rush Grand Allegro A-B
Kazak's Jilly-Bean
Ch Westmonts Kandyman Of Kazak OS SDHF (6 years)
Am. CH. Westben's Dancing Bear CDX OS (8 years)
Am. CH Westbens Toasty Ruff'n Reggie
Am. CH Gold-Rush's Bearly An Angel
Gold-Rush's Honey Bear
Am Ch. Westmont's Sutter Creek Aria (6.5 years)
Sutter Creek Tessahoc Trilby
Tessahoc's Mello Fello
CH Sutter Creek Tessahoc Wiloby
Tessahoc Sutter Creek Deja Vu
Am./Can. CH. Vanreels Essence Of Goldrush OD
Am./Can. CH. Gold-Rush Colchis Super Chief Am./Can. CDX
Gold-Rush Quincy Polar Bear
Am. CH. Elysian's Dubl Your Pleasure UDT MH ** WCX VCX DDHF OD (10.5 years)
Am. CH Elysian's Double My Fun CD OD
Am. CH. Kinsale Clipper OS (14.5 years)
Hermosas Kinsale Gypsy
Am. CH. Kinsale She's The Boss OD
Kinsale Napoleon Of Camelot
Kinsale Over The Rainbow
Kinsale Silver Cloud CD
Kinsale Starlight Golden Boy
Kinsale (SE580812)
Kinsale Chelsy Spring Willow
Kinsale Cirrus
Am. CH. Shargleam Ferryman OS (15 years)
Shargleam Floral Dance
Am. CH. Blue Skye's Chase The Clouds OD (14 years)
Blue Skye's Bequest
BIS CH. Elysian's Lil Leica Reprint UD TD MH WCX VCX DDHF SDHF OD BISS (12.5 years)
Am. CH. Elysian Image Of Oakshadows CD TDX OD TDI (12.5 years)
Elysian Rangefinder CD (11.5 years)
Am. CH Elysian Sky Hi Dubl Exposure UDT MH ** WCX VCX DDHF OS (11.5 years)
Am. CH. Wingwatcher Reddi To Rally CDX WC OS (13.5 years)
Am. CH Wingwatcher Calypso Music UDT WC VCX (10 years)
Am. CH Trowsnest Wingwatcher's Bess CD WC (6.5 years)
Wingwatcher Crash Gordon CD, WC
Am. CH. Beaulieu's Akacia O'Darnley UD TDX JH WCX VCX OD (9 years)
Am. CH Beaulieu's Autumn Fantasy

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