
Golden Retriever

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Birnam Wood's Gotta Have It

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Birnam Wood's Gotta Have It (AKC SN019393/02)
Am CH Wyncall's Magic Autumn Sun (AKC SF369332)
Wyncall's Forever Jane (AKC SF336438 (5/91))
Am. CH Copper Lee Wyncall Warranty (AKC SE591691 (6/87))
Wyncall's Christa's Challenge (AKC SE939164 (10-88))
Am/Bda CH Copper Lee Gold Rush Apollo OS SDHF (AKC SC578835 (1-80))
Am CH Gold Rush Copper Lee WC (AKC SC572167)
Am CH Copper Lee Gold-Rush Legend (AKC SC909623)
Copper Lee Gold Rush Desiree (AKC SC909622)
Am CH Sunshine Hill Copperlee Pozy (AKC SC978100)
Copper Lee Gold-Rush Cascade OD (AKC SC578884 (1/81))
Valentine's Golden Teddy Bear
Copper Lee Goldwing's Diana (AKC SC980198)
Copper Lee Gold-Rush Fantasa OD (AKC SC871074)
CH Copper Lee's Savory Sarah (AKC SD273335)
Am CH Bruwins Copper Lee Isis (AKC SD491664)
Copper Lee's Amanda (AKC SD559267)
Sunshine Hill's Autum Shadow (AKC SE926516)
Sunjoies Desertwynd Peach CDX (AKC SE782073)
Sunjoie Fashion Can-Delite (AKC SE910667)
CH Sunjoie Fashion On Parade CD WC (AKC SE766272)
CH Sunshine Hill's Best Option (AKC SE946234)
Am. CH. Goldwing Blues Boy UD WC VCX OS SDHF (AKC SC995325 (1/82))
Goldwing's Copper Lee Anne (AKC SC869961)
Am Can Bah CH Goldwing Le Cordon Bleu CD WCX SDHF (AKC SC845260 (7-82))
Am CH Goldwing True Blue CD TD WC (AKC SC418223)
Am CH Goldwing True Bear OS SDHF (AKC SC407652 (8/79))
Am CH Goldwing Gold-Rush Dream We'vr (AKC SC968428 (12-82))
Goldwing's Mellow Yellow (AKC SD468560)
AM CH Goldwing Ruf Ryder of Sarrin TD (AKC SC930739)
Am CH Goldwing Blue's Serenade (AKC SC980197)
Am. CH Sunshine Hill Sunjoie Style (AKC SE009735)
Am CH Sunshine Hill Lic Anna Promise (AKC SD791905)
Sunshinehill Legacy D' Roshar (AKC SD229900)
CH Sunshinehills The Bear Facts OS (AKC SD409009 (12-83))
Am. CH Sunshinehill Peg O'Sunnybrae (AKC SD-372541)
Am. CH Sunshinehill Mistfield Sage TD JH WCX OD (AKC SD224178)
Sunshine Hill Ivy Of Oakhaven (AKC SE125112)
Sunshinehill's True Lovejoy (AKC SD-224718)
Sunshine Hill's Hot Tomato (AKC SD949455)
Am CH Sunshine Hill's Thunderball (AKC SD789652)
CH Sunshinehill Bradlyn Zoe (AKC SD353405)
Sunshine Hill's Firebird (AKC SD949456)
Birnam Wood Nautilus Kashmir (AKC SF-689797)
Kindred Birnam Wood Hot Pink (AKC SF555942)
Kindred Birnam Wood Red Hot (AKC SF663304)
Can Ch. Birnam Wood's Ultra Violet (AKC SF571000)
Birnam Wood's Pink Flamingo (AKC SF534425)
BIS BISS Am-Can CH. Birnam Wood Amaize 'N Blue OS SDHF (AKC SF-562930)
Am Ch. Birnam Wood's Douglas Furr OS (AKC SD391402 (4-83))
Birnam Wood's Liquid Amber (AKC SD-278481)
Am CH Birnam Wood's Mountin' Ash OS (AKC SD301349 (5/83))
Am. CH Birnam Wood Keweenaw Sequoia (AKC SD302228)
Birnam Wood Buckthorn Banner (AKC SD304624)
Am./Can. CH. Kachina Twenty Karat OS SDHF (AKC SC803760 (2-82))
Am. CH. Kachina's Kamiakin O'Darnley CD WC OS SDHF (AKC SC667899 (9/82))
Am-Can Ch. Kachina's Kiros Karma CD OD Can CD (AKC SC758642)
Kachina Dorado El Chacho (AKC SC728458 (7-83))
Am. CH Kachina's Livin' End OD (AKC SC747292)
Am Ch Goldenloe's Cinnamon Sizzler OD (AKC SC247414)
Am. CH Gilnockie Roman Candle (AKC SC324248)
Am Ch Goldenloe's Fourth of July (AKC SC236309)
Gilnockie Sparkler CD (AKC SC319161)
Am. CH. Kindred's Sun River Esprit OD (AKC SE-856625)
CH Kindred Peppercreek Suspense OS (AKC SE738750 (11-88))
Rosewood Pretty Penny (AKC SE767796)
Am. CH Kachina Doc's Irish Cream (AKC SE-742429)
Am CH Asterling's Buster Keaton OS (AKC SE372337 (11/86))
BISS Am CH Asterling Go Getm Gangbuster OS SDHF (AKC SE219851 (5/87))
Am./Can. CH. Asterlings Ghostbuster (AKC SE227965)
Am CH Asterlings Stardust Buster OD (AKC SE241705)
Am CH Asterling's Just Buster Loose CD OD (AKC SE237198 (12/87))
Am. CH Asterling's Trust Buster CD (AKC SE-239985)
Am. CH Asterlings Filly Buster (AKC SE-325955)
AmCH Kachina's Top Secret OD (AKC SD125812)
Am./Can. CH. Kachina Goodtime Hello Dolly (AKC SD168261)
Am./Can. CH Kachinas Kinsha Kari Am CDX OD Can CD OD SDHF (AKC SD147290 (5/84))
AM CH Kachina's Aztec Topaz (AKC SD159256)
Kachina's Goldwing Sarah CD (AKC SD140458)
Am CH Kachina Cibola Razzle-Dazzle (AKC SD148727)
Ch Kachina's Prime Time (AKC SD139953)

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