
Golden Retriever

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GCH CH Miraleste-Kate's Gibson's Dream Girl of Trilogy CGC TDI

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

GCH CH Miraleste-Kate's Gibson's Dream Girl of Trilogy CGC TDI
Miraleste Kate's Amazing Linzie RM CD AJP AXP CCA CGCA NWELT1 TKI CTL2R CTL3F CTL3H CTL2S (13 years)
Miraleste-Kate's Gibson Girl
Am CH. Birnam Wood's Hoot Gibson OS SDHF Multi BIS & BISS (10.5 years)
Am/Can Ch. Calypso's Udderwise Alndon (11.5 years)
Calypso's Udderly Smokin' (9 years)
Am. CH. Calypso's The Udder Woman OD (11 years)
Calypso Never Udderestimate (9 years)
BIS BISS Am CH Twin-Beau-D's Peterbuilt OS SDHF (9 years)
Twin-Beau-D's All the Rave
Twin-Beau-D Scorpio's Dream
Am CH. Twin-Beau-D's Bonnie Bedelia SDHF (12 years)
Ch. Birnam Wood's Toad You So OD (10.5 years)
Ch. Birnam Wood's Otter Be Good
Am-Can CH. Birnam Wood Aardvark 'N No Play JH OS (10 years)
Birnam Wood's You Bet Giraffe (7.5 years)
CH Birnam Wood's Take Center Stage
Am Ch Claircrest Nobody's Business OS
Claircrest Debraak's Showbiz
AmCH Claircrest It's Snow Business OD
Claircrest Ragtime's Bizness (5 years)
Ch. Wingate's Fast Getaway
CH. Wingate's On My Way
CH Kate's Sweet Dreams Of Miraleste
Am. CH Kate's Iz A Dreamkeeper OD
Am CH Golden Gait Sunshine's High Road OS (11 years)
Am. Ch. Golden Gait Sweetwater's Starlite
Golden Gait Sweetwater's Moonstruck
Golden Gait Sunshine's Passion
Golden Gait Sunshine's Chanel
Golden Gait's Gotta Go Girl
Am./Can./Int./Vet. CH. Pacificgold's The Dance Am./Can. SDHF OS (13 years)
Pacificgold's Honky Tonk
Can. CH Pacificgold's Killin' Time
Am. CH Sunshine's Such Blazing Spirit (13 years)
Sunshine's Essential Calvin CD
Sunshine's Ready To Rumble
Sunshine's Such Sweet Rumors
AmCH Sunshine's Bells 'N Whistles
Sunshine's Caribbean Holiday (15.5 years)
Sunshine's-Nawasa's Lilmsthang
Sunshine's Holiday Surprise (12 years)
Am. CH Aubridge-Kate's Dreamwaver
Aubridge Wave of Fate CGC (8.5 years)
BISS Am CH Aubridge Wave Your Rights RN OS (13.5 years)
Aubridge Tidal Wave CD JH WC
Aubridge Ansel Skis The Wave
Aubridge Nthern Lightwave Ahead SH NAP NJP WCX CCA
Am. CH OTCH CT; Can. CH Highmark Mirasol Once A Knight VCD4 UDX3 JH MX MXJ WC VCX OS SDHF OBHF (14 years)
Highmark A Rose In Winter (14 years)
Highmark Dragonfly In Amber (14.5 years)
Highmarks Knight To Remember (14 years)
Highmarks Miss Daisy (16.5 years)
Highmarks Shooby
CH Aubridge Garden Angel OD (12 years)
CH Aubridge Garden of Suspense (11.5 years)

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