K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Jch Scg Ch Srb Chocolate Fantasy

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Jch Scg Ch Srb Chocolate Fantasy
Dressed To Impress
J.Ch. CRO Dance Away
Int Ch Excellent Treasure Tankaram
Eternal Treasure Tankaram
INT CH D(VDH)CH L CH PL CH SL CH Birchbrook Paddington Bear
CH.NOR Birchbrook Barley Wine of Charway
Birchbrook Arabella
Birchbrook Artemis
Birchbrook Blenheim
Birchbrook Cherry Ripe
Birchbrook Chocolate Chip With Linkscroft
Birchbrook Mulberry Wine
Birchbrook Sweet William
Birchbrook Thomas A'becket
EngCH Cambremer Tom Cobbley of Charway
Cambremer Gospel Singer
GB SHCH Cambremer Tom Sawyer
Cambremer Jazzmine
Cambremer Huckleberry
Cambremer Tom Foolery
Cambremer Mark Twain
Eng Sh Ch Birchbrook Victoria Plum
Birchbrook Beau Geste
Romantic Love Tankaram
ICh, MCh, JCh Royal Standard Tankaram
My Love Tankaram
Royal Respekt Tankaram
Int Ch Might Be A Show Dog Of Tintagel Winds
I Remember of Tintagel Winds (12 years)
Lipton of Tintagel Winds
Pink Champagne of Tintagel Winds
Miss Me Out Of Tintagel Winds
May I Dance With You of Tintagel Winds
Trendmaker's Treasure
Int Ch JchScg Ch Srb African Queen Royal Standard
Almond Eyes Royal Standard
Art Royal Standard
ICh, MCh, MJCh, Austrian Dual Ch, GrCh SK Vitality of Tankaram Club winner, Club Junior winner
INT CH D(VDH)CH L CH PL CH SL CH Birchbrook Paddington Bear
CH.NOR Birchbrook Barley Wine of Charway
Birchbrook Arabella
Birchbrook Artemis
Birchbrook Blenheim
Birchbrook Cherry Ripe
Birchbrook Chocolate Chip With Linkscroft
Birchbrook Mulberry Wine
Birchbrook Sweet William
Birchbrook Thomas A'becket
Ch CZ Paradise Pearl Tankaram U
True Tale Tankaram
MultiCh. Artur od Himalajskeho cedru
My Love Tankaram
ICh, MCh, JCh Royal Standard Tankaram
Romantic Love Tankaram
Royal Respekt Tankaram

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