
Golden Retriever

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Scandias Legend of Casanova

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Scandias Legend of Casanova
Scandias Cinnamon Bun
Scandias Sir Cracker Jack
Scandias Bonny Butterscotch
Can. CH OTCH Am CH Legend Of Piperdowns Am UD TD (OFA GR-2575)
Am./Can. CH. Laurell's Allspice CD (OFA GR-506)
Laurell's Atomic Age Wonder
Am. CH. Laurell's Amiable Caboose OD (OFA GR-00279)
Am. CH. High Farms Sutter's Gold SDHF (OFA GR-92)
Golden Sasha of High Farms
High Farms Mirandy
Am. CH. Rusticana's Princess Teena Am./Can. CD (OFA GR-47)
Rengo Rusti UDT OBHF
Girl Of Licking Crossing
Skyline Golden Nugget CD TD
Am. CH. Buc's Princess Of Rusticana
Rusticana Tune O' The Pipes Am UDT
Am. CH. Nichola's Patti of Rusticana
Can OTCH Rusticana Cloud-Nine Am UD OBHF
Rusticana Clipper Cain CD
Rush Creek's Rusticana Daisy
Rusticana's Sancy UDT * OD OBHF (OFA GR-00658)
Am/Can CH Duckdown's Unpredictable CD * OS SDHF (OFA GR-124)
Duckdown's Vamp Of Savannah
CH Duckdown's Village Outlaw CD
Am Ch Duckdown's Vesper Challenge OD
Am. CH. Duckdown's Veronica Laker CD OD (OFA GR-00472)
Am. CH. Duckdown's Village Gambler
Am. CH. Duckdown's Voodoo Charm UD OD (OFA GR-00734)
Am Ch Duckdown's Vivid Impression UDT
Am. CH. Duckdown's Undaunted Copper
Am. CH. Duckdown's Union Jack
Am. CH. Duckdown's Union Jill CD
Am. CH. Duckdown's Upperclass Lass
Am. CH. Duckdown's Utterly Fantastic CDX OD (OFA GR-00425)
Am. CH. Rusticana Kandi Kane UD OD
Rusticana's Little Kristi CDX CanCD (OFA GR-44)
Rusticana Kopper Koyn UD
Rebecca of Morningstar

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