K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Wister's Dual Star

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Wister's Dual Star (B)
Wister's Dirch (A)
Taison (DK 06573/87) (A2)
MARKPR Huntingdon's He's a Hurricane (A2)
Huntingdon's Happy-Go-Lucky
DKCH KBHV80 KBHV82 Passingridge Black Prince
Passingridge Zara
Passingridge Tania
Passingridge Tamara
Viktoria (DK 08823/80) (A)
Blondie (DKK 05737/81)
DKCH Björn / Bjorn (DK 10744/77) (0)
Albert (DKK 3715/76)
Esmeralda (DKK 36188/80)
Ann (DKK 03761/76)
Lundkjaers Bella
Palcon's Dukke Dora (A)
Palcon's Danish Delightful
Palcon's Crazy Goliath (UA)
DK Ch Palcon's Charlie Brown (FCI A)
Palcon's Carry On Deck
Palcon's Carlos Santana (A2)
Palcon's Chocolate Princess (FCI B)
Palcon's Come On Springtime
Palcon's Calkini Santa-Fe (FCI A)
DKCh IntCh Jollytopp Benjamin (0)
Jollytopp Avon
DKCH Jollytopp Auntie Lizzy
Readywood Coffee Bean (A)
Donna (DK 18073/82) (A)
DKCH KBHV80 KBHV82 Passingridge Black Prince
Passingridge Zara
Passingridge Tania
Passingridge Tamara
Brit (DK 20979/79)

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