K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Andra von Riedenberg

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Andra von Riedenberg (FCI VDH/DRC98-7030)
Beluna von Riedenberg (DRC-L 00-8198)
Bahru von Riedenberg (FCI VDH/DRC00-8195)
Brisco von Riedenberg (FCI VDH/DRC00-8194)
Barcley von Riedenberg (FCI VDH/DRC00-8192)
Byrke von Riedenberg (FCI VDH/DRC00-8196)
Bautz von Riedenberg (FCI VDH00-8193)
Bessy von Riedenberg (FCI VDH/DRC00-8197)
Beski von Riedenberg (FCI VDH/DRC00-8199)
Asko von Riedenberg (FCI VDH/DRC98-7025)
Aaron von Riedenberg (FCI VDH/DRC-98-7026)
Adrian von Riedenberg (FCI VDH/DRC-98-7027)
Arko von Riedenberg (FCI VDH/DRC98-7028)
Amy von Riedenberg (FCI VDH/DRC98-7029)
Aika von Riedenberg (FCI VDH/DRC-98-7031)
Titus vom Tennikerweidli
Tabor vom Tennikerweidli
Int. FT.Ch./ ChTCH Mink-Tan vom Tennikerweidli
Micki-Tan vom Tennikerweidli
Miss-Tan vom Tennikerweidli
Maedi-Tan vom Tennikerweidli
Blackharn Jasper
FTCh Blackharn Jonty (Other KCSB 3251BQ)
Blackharn Gus (Other KCSB 4123BS)
Blackharn Brett
Blackharn Steel (KC SB 3257BQ)
Blackharn Topaz (KC SB 2035BP)
Blackharn Iona (Other KCSB 4324BS)
Raughlin Rebecca
FTCh Raughlin Rachel (KC KCSB 5754BZ)
Raughlin The Whip
Bellever Becky
Bellever Black Adder
Bellever Black Diamond
FTW Bellever Black Prince
Bellever Bonny
Bellever Brigette
UK FTCh Haretor Abel of Bellever (KC SB 3566BQ)
Haretor Alice
Haretor Angus (KC SB5698BR)
Palgrave Virginia (Other KCSB 6143BW)
Palgrave Vodka of Hambrook (Other KCSB 4308BW)
Palgrave Vincent of Brenjon (Other KCSB 4719BV)
Palgrave Valentine (Other KCSB 5653BX)
Palgrave Vicky
Palgrave Vesper
Palgrave Victor (Other KCSB 5601BW)
Jenny vom Angelfeld
FTW Gero vom Angelfeld (DRC L 95-5756)
Jean vom Angelfeld
Julie vom Angelfeld
Joy vom Angelfeld
Jack vom Angelfeld
Gunda vom Angelfeld
Gesa vom Angelfeld
Guido vom Angelfeld
Groll vom Angelfeld
Flightline Jackpot
Flightline Turbo Of Kilderkin
Flightline Trigger
FTW Tweedshot Morris of Elmbrook
FTW Tweedshot Muskateer
Tweedshot Macoy
Tweedshot Macnab
Tweedshot Murray
FTW Tweedshot Millie Of Romandale
Tweedshot Megan
Madonna of Flightline
Benjamin of Flightline
Birdbrook Crystal of Sulleyshill
Birdbrook Trick of Hamford (KC SB6096BY)
Birdbrook Clip of Saxthorpe
FTCh Birdbrook Teak (KC SB5224BZ)
Birdbrook Tyke
Birdbrook Thatcher
Birdbrook Charm Of Birchams
Birdbrook Clint of Birchams
Birdbrook Cheryl
Birdbrook Clyde of Follybreeze (DK 04162/92)
Birdbrook Trooper
FTCh Greenwood Timothy of Holdgate (KC SB0143BP)
Greenwood Turk
Greenwood Tweed
FTCh Purdey of Bonhote of Birdbrook (Other KCSB 2149BU)

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