K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Ch. Shamrock Acres Bruin Moroje

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Ch. Shamrock Acres Bruin Moroje (AKC SC950123 1-82)
AmCH Wrenwell Ramrod (AKC SB385757)
AmCH Wrenwell's Whinstone (AKC SB118716)
AmCH Shamrock Acres Golden Rod (AKC SA472140 (8/1969))
CH. Shamrock Acres Lemon Drop (AKC SA472137 (12-69))
Shamrock Acres Lollipop (AKC SA488885)
AmCH Shamrock Acres Light Brigade (AKC SA278706 (11/65))
AmCH Shamrock Acres Dapper Dan (AKC SA269318)
CH Shamrock Acres Paleface (AKC SA524125 01-70)
AM Ch Shamrock Acres Rifleman (AKC SA269320)
AmCH Shamrock Acres Taste Of Honey (AKC SA633135 (1/72))
AmCH Whygin Gentle Julia Of Avec (AKC SA003780 (7/61))
Am & Can Ch Shamrock Acres Reflection (AKC SA803427 (4/72))
AmCH Shamrock Acres Donnybrook CD (AKC SA620009)
AmCH Shamrock Acres Early Bird (AKC SA438802 (7/1969))
Could Be's Elegant Bear (AKC SB939766)
Could Be's Barge (AKC SB712886 11-78)
Could Be A Bear At Hollidaze (AKC SC224382)
Could Be's Willie Bear (AKC SB447974 (5-75))
Katie Brown Bear
AmCH Could Be's Toffee Teddy Bear (AKC SA559170 10-69)
Amy's Serene Abigail (AKC SA545091 5-69)
AmCH Wingmasters Could Be Heidi (AKC SB062243 (4-74))
Steve's Super Smoke (AKC SB849646)
Could Be's Wingmaster's Joy (AKC SB073494)
Am.Ch. Wingmaster's Super Slick UDX (AKC SB001509)
Wingmaster's Mr Mammoth (AKC SB38196)
Simons' Rip Snortin' Cocoa (AKC SC034608)
AmCH Wingmasters Cobe Of Mandigo CD WC (AKC SB203658)
Am/Mex CH Gunfields Super Charger CD WC (AKC SA718838)
Juste's D W Dreamer (AKC SA733381 06-71)
Could Be's Takes Two To Tango (AKC SA924950)
Cinnamon Rock (AKC SA773299 4-72)

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