K9data.comLabrador Retriever

CH Blackthorn Flaxenfield Ruby UD

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

CH Blackthorn Flaxenfield Ruby UD (AKC SD223596)
Flaxenfield Calcutta Katie (AKC SD318988)
Mallardhurn Clive (AKC SB566864 9-76)
Sandylands Charlie Boy (Other KCSB 2475BE)
SA CH Sandylands Carl of Jeronga
Sandylands Country Girl of Warford
Langdale Sandylands Clive (KC 148155/69)
Newinn Sandylands Catrina (Other KCREG148148/69)
Sandylands Charlie Girl
Sandaw Sandylands Crusader
Cliveruth Harvester (Other KCSB 1728BA)
Sh Ch Sandylands Katrinka of Keithray (Other KCSB 0139AZ)
Drakeshead Catrina of Keithray (AKC SA515777)
Mallardhurn Countess of Keithray (AKC SA563652 09-69)
AmCH Carefree Of Keithray (AKC SA515778 4-68)
Kandy of Keithray (KC KCREG36590/64)
Linershwood Crystal of Keithray (Other KCSB 1468BD)
Contessa of Keithray
Mallardhurn Fay
GB. Ch. Lawnwood Fame and Fortune (Other KCSB 1443BD)
Lawnwoods Fancy Free (KC KCSB 1444BD)
Mallardhurn Black Pat
Flaxenfield Julia of Blyn (AKC SC158088)
Mansergh Mantuan (AKC SB856204)
Mansergh Mantis (KC SB0600BL)
Glenarem Marvel of Sprucedell (KC 160538/70)
Glenarem Minstrel
GB Ch Mansergh Antonia (Other KCSB 0965BG)
Merrybrook Mansergh Anna
Brentville Marietta of Lawnwood (Other KC 32620/73)
Brentville Madeleine of Lawnwood (KC REG32621/73)
Brentville Marianne of Lawnwood
Brentville Marcella of Lawnwood
GB SHCH Tidesreach Neptune (Other KCSB 2243BG)
Lawnwood's Love In The Mist (KC REG132698/69)
Ch Heatherbourne Lawnwoods Laughing Cavalier (KC SB 0715BG)
Lawnwoods Lord of the Manor

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