K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Castilleja's Hank

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Castilleja's Hank
Castilleja's O'dessa
Castilleja's O'sien All Familiy
Castilleja's Kalen's Legend
Castilleja's Ivory Lacey
Castilleja's Scotty McDuff
Castilleja's My Girl Friday
Castilleja's Quetico
Castilleja's Oliver Twist
Castilleja's Dixie Doll
Castilleja's Hopeful Nessie
Castilleja's Lady Jackie
Castilleja's Rudy Red Dog
Castilleja's Ruby Sky
Castilleja's Lapin De Garenne
Windfall's Castilleja Shinanny
AmCH Visions The Life Of Riley
AmCH Visions Saving Grace
BISS CH Visions Eyesa Special
BISS Am CH Hyspire Darktown Strutter
AmCH Hyspire One More Strutt
Hyspire Sounds Of Murphy
Hysire La De Dah
Hyspire Whoop Dee Doo
AmCH Kelleygreens Amazing Grace
Kelleygreens Yellow Cab
Kelleygreens Meet Joe Black
Kelleygreens Kurry
AmCH Windfall's Stormy Sky
Ch Windfalls Stormy Sunrise at Banner
AmCH Windfall's Fortune Teller
Windfall's Fame And Fortune
Windfall's Shadowfax At Forsythe
Windfall's Fortune Cookie
Windfalls Stormy Summer At Fenwyck
Am.Can.Ch. Windfalls Dreambuie Smuggler
BISS Am CH Windfall's Black Piper WCX JH
Am.Ch. Windfall's Scotch Thistle
Am CH Windfall's Highlander
AmCH Winfall's Stormy Sunrise At Banner CGC (14 years)
Am CH Dickendall Arnold (12.5 years)
Dickendalls Hall Farm Helen
Dickendall Davaron Orange Rufy JH
Am CH Windfall's Win Storm JH WCX (10 years)
Am.Ch. Windfall Profit For Sunspots

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