
Golden Retriever

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Sirius Chado

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Sirius Chado
Sirius Gunter Kroening
Sirius Frisky
Sirius Royal Mist
Sirius Naoutska
Sirius Ginger Brandy
Sirius Beau Regard
Sirius Wickie
Am./Can. CH Glenru's Rusty Nail Can. CD OS SDHF (12.5 years)
Glenru's Gold Dust CanWC CD
Can. CH Krishna Foxwood Charlie B
Can. CH. Ima Foxwood Krishna Any Day
CanCH Ima Foxwood Krishna Any Image CanCDX AmCD
Ima Foxwood Krishna Any Time
Krishna Foxwood Lucy L
Am/Can CH Chrys-Haefen Fox Fire AmCD CanCD OS SDHF
Can. CH Chrys-Haefen Thor's Fury OS SDHF
Can. Ch. Chrys-Haefen's Camelot Can OS (9.5 years)
CanCH Chrys-Haefen Ace of Trumps
Can CH Chrys-Haefen Little Moonstone
CanCH Chrys-Haefen Chorus O'The Dawn
CanCH Chrys-Haefen Foolish Pride SDHF
Chrys-haefen Last Chance
Chrys-Haefen Skylon Lara CanCD
Can.Ch. Karmiloch Karouzin Krishna
Curdogge Of Karmiloch CD
Can. CH Farview Ginfiz Of Glenru OD (12.5 years)
Farview Amun Ra
Farview Janus Of Brynmar
Am./Can. CH. Farview Happy Noisemaker
Am/Can CH Farview Harry Houdini
Brynmar's Heypenny Of Farview
CH Brynmar's Elizabeth
Chrys-Haefen Sirius Mirka
Can. CH. Zavas Chrys-haefen Fuzz Buster
CanCH Zava's Bashful Beau
Can. CH. Chrys-Haefen The Imp OS SDHF
Can Ch Chrys-Haefen Imabonny Lass
Chrys-Haefen Idyllic Sunshine
Can CH Chrys-Haefen Insuperable Cozy OD
CanCH Chittenden Chrys-Haefen Arynne
CanCH Chittenden Gilded Shaman
CanCH Chittenden Skylon Amour
Chittenden Chrys-Haefen Mya
Can. CH Chrys-Haefen Gypsy Kiss OD
CanCH Skylon Vice Regent
Skylon Vangie OD
CanCH Skylon Victory of Chrys-Haefen
Am./Can. CH. Skylon Vagabond Can SDHF
CanCH Skylon Valiant Nugget Nanno
CanCH Skylon Voyageur Tagalong
Skylon Sara of Chrys-Haefen CanCD
Skylon Shannon CanCD

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