
Golden Retriever

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Terarossa Georgie Rose

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Terarossa Georgie Rose
Terarossa Vanity Fair
Terarossa Givenchy
Perzgold Star Worrior CDX ADX JD
Perzgold N Princess CDX AD JD
Aust Grand Ch Goldog Alpine Highland
Goldog Alpine Somerset
Aust. CH. Perrecca Dorchester
Perrecca Dawn Light
Perrecca Fascination
Perrecca Duchess
Perrecca Distant Cuzan CD
Aust Ch Goldog Alpine Serra
Diogenes Summer Rain CDX AD
Aust Ch Diogenes The Light Show
Aust Ch Sandusky Klammer Aust CDX (0:0)
Sandusky Jubilee
Sandusky Junoeque
Sandusky Josee To Lovehayne
Sandusky Kamikaze
Sandusky Kronberger
Eng. Sh. Ch. Sandusky Khamsin At Trewater
Sandusky Kiss And Tell (UA (7/15/1992))
Sandusky Kaleidoscope Of Sandgold
Aust Ch Diogenes The Goldigger
Aust Ch Diogenes Ring The Bell
Diogenes The Explorer
Aust CH Diogenes Beat the Drum
Aust CH Diogenes Strike The Gold
Diogenes On The Rebound
Diogenes The Executrix
Waltaview Mystic Gem
Waltaview Majestic Gem
Tahmero Caddys Tedebear
Tahmero Caddys Tokengift
Aust. CH. Lawnwoods Rustic Rian UD (BVA Elbow Score 0:0)
Lawnwood's Rockafella
Lawnwood's Razzel Dazzle
Aust CH Tahmero Shadows Cascade
Waltaview Golden Dawn
Scanandamble Highlander
Scanandamble Queens Walk
Scanandamble Cover Girl
Aust. Ch. Scanandamble Tucha Class

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