
Golden Retriever

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Little Sadie of Moonglow

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Little Sadie of Moonglow (AKC SR34942703 (2-08))
Sir Duke Of Morningstar (AKC SR34942702 (2-08))
Duke Skyjon Of Abbottshire (AKC SR23641204 (4-06))
Dillon Grace Jacobs (AKC SR23641201)
Maverick Theodore Maximus Scola (AKC SR23641206)
Marshal Matt Dillon III (AKC SN92932903 (5-05))
Custer's Last Stand III (AKC SN54162507)
Riley's Fetch (AKC SN70678309)
Apache Joe (SR10170903) (AKC SR10170903)
Texas Star III (AKC SN39993709 (7-98))
Dusdty Rose (AKC SN45169710)
Branhams Baby Girl (AKC SR15234202 (5-05))
Magnum Lopez Gregory (AKC SR15234206)
R Golden Remmington (AKC SN74969901 (7-02))
R Golden Winchester Winnie (AKC SN76430107 (11-02))
Neeley's Lady Of Morningstar (AKC SR22827613)
Pretty Willow (AKC SN93344005 (2-08))
Mossarosa's Rosy (AKC SN93344002 (7-04))
Ashley's Kodiak (AKC SN93344008 (7-04))
Lopey Boy (AKC SN87524103 (3-03))
Savanna Lee (AKC SR24212301)
Prescious IV (AKC SR07372002 (3-05))
C And C's Big Head Bongo (AKC SN87524104 (4-03))
Lopez's Jake (AKC SN67781710 (2-01))
Mattie XIX (AKC SN70838601 (2-01))
Bynum's Sadie Girl (AKC SN88045105 (3-03))
C And C's Bailers Baylee (AKC SN88045103 (4-03))
Bogart's Dream Of Gold (AKC SN39822107 (2-02))
Long Shot Cobi (AKC SN39822109)
Caramel Rose Of Arkansas (AKC SN39822105)
Lady Savanah III (AKC SN75179306 (2-02))

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