K9data.comLabrador Retriever

AmCH Lobuff's Indiana Jones

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

AmCH Lobuff's Indiana Jones (AKC SE091796)
Lobuff Lyric At Chucklebrook (AKC SE336632)
Am CH Lobuff's Sundown At Kerrymark (AKC SE696171)
AmCH Lobuff's Missouri Breaks (AKC SE091791)
Am CH Northwood Sandman (AKC SD432548)
AM Ch Northwood Spungold (AKC SD420882)
AmCH Northwood Storm Of Chaldorn CD (AKC SD310174)
Northwood Jollymuff Tidy (AKC SD318119)
Am CH Sandylands Markwell Of Lockerbie (AKC SC148602)
Sandylands Mystic (AKC SC650700 7-84)
Sandylands Masterful (AKC SB850552)
Sandylands Marksboy of Langdale (KC SB 4107BL)
Sandylands Merriment
N UCh Sandylands Mystery
GB Sh Ch Ardmargha Sandylands Mirth (Other KCSB 1083 BL)
Sandylands Margie of Lockerbie (AKC SC118552 6-78)
Sandylands Merry (<1979)
GB Sh. Ch. Sandylands Mercy (Other KCSB 1847BJ)
Sandylands Meddler
Aust Ch Sandylands Max (47352/74)
GB Ch Sandylands Mark (FCI KCSB 1197AZ)
GB ShCh/AmCh Sandylands Midas (AKC SA517300 (6-68))
Am. Ch. Sandylands Mona Lisa (AKC SA367576, 01-67)
Sandylands Memory (Other KCRE 85821/65)
Roncott Bitty Girl
EngShCh Sandylands Waghorn Honesty (Other KCSB 2037BH)
Sandylands The Baron
AmCH Finchingfield Fantasia (AKC SC484473)
Finchingfield Indigo (AKC SC847046)
Finchingfield Holmes (AKC SD809136)
AmCH Finchingfield Folklaur CGC TDI (AKC SC481036)
Can.Ch. Finchingfield Labradale Coal
Finchingfield Honour (AKC SD809135)
Am.Ch. Finchingfield Dooferweh Q
AmCH Finchingfield Faith (AKC SC601031)
Am/CanCH Finchingfield Ivan Of Oaklea (AKC SC867386)
AmCH Briary Brendan Of Rainell (AKC SB704616)
Avalon's Briary Briar (AKC SB431678 9-74)
Am.Ch. Briary Bantry Bay (AKC SB286390 5-75)
AmCH Briary Brian's Song (AKC SB371328)
AmCH Briary Bluebell (AKC SA959455)
AmCH Briary Shillelagh (AKC SB299500)
Briary Brogue (AKC SL385415)
AmCH Briary Bonnie Briana (AKC SA952654)
Am CH Briary Bracken (AKC SB248083)
Briary Bonnie Boru (AKC SB460976 (8-76))
Ch Briary's Trace Of Brian (AKC SB009560)
CH Briary Bustle (AKC SB902218)
Briary Bonnie Bree (AKC SC115779)
AmCH Briary Glencoe's Bonnie Jean CD WC (AKC SB860123)
AmCH Briary Windstar (AKC SB898372)
Am CH Lobuff's Tequila Sunrise (AKC SC469465)
AmCH Lobuff's Seafaring Banner (AKC SC096683)
AmCH Spenrock Heatheredge Mariner (AKC SB562053 (5-75))
AUST Ch Heatheredge Marcella of Redvales (157037/73)
Can Ch Heatheredge Myshell
Heatheredge Cola
Heatheredge Barathea (KC REG47542/73)
GB Ch Sandylands Mark (FCI KCSB 1197AZ)
GB ShCh/AmCh Sandylands Midas (AKC SA517300 (6-68))
Am. Ch. Sandylands Mona Lisa (AKC SA367576, 01-67)
Sandylands Memory (Other KCRE 85821/65)
Roncott Bitty Girl
Seashell Of Heatheredge (Other KCSB 1912BH)
Seabreeze of Heatheredge (AKC SA806201)
C.I.B. SE CH NO CH Heatheredge Seaswell (S5172/70)
Aust Ch Seasprite Of Heatheredge
Int.Ch. Heatheredge Seaboy
AmCH Spenrock's Cognac (AKC SA760580)
Am.Ch. Spenrock Topgallant
AmCH Spenrock Topaz (AKC SA873448)
AmCH Spenrock Cajun (AKC SA760581 11-71)
Spenrock's Delta Minnow (AKC SA760583)
AmCH Spenrock Bohemia Champagne (AKC SA760578)
AmCH Spenrock's Cardigan Bay (AKC SA760579 (12/72))
Am. Ch. Lockerbie Goldentone Jensen (AKC SA595038 04-69)
Am/Can CH Spenrock Banner (AKC SA281753 01-69)
Am. Ch. Lewisfield's Spenrock Ballot (AKC SA281288 11-66)
AM Ch Lovat Annie Laurie (AKC SA280434 10-67)
AmCH Great Scot Of Ayr (AKC SA270815 11-71)

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