
Golden Retriever

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MACH Ariell Jus Try N Catch Me

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

MACH Ariell Jus Try N Catch Me (OFA GR-EL24947M24-VPI)
Ariell's Highfield Appassionata JH TD WC CCA (OFA GR-EL24925F24-VPI)
SHR MACH3 Ariell's Burning Bush UDX2 BN OM3 MXC MJC T2B JH WC CCA ADHF (OFA GR-EL25048M24-VPI)
Ariell's Fleur-De-Lis MX MXJ (OFA GR-EL25049F24-VPI)
Trowsnest Bentley's EZ Ryde OS, CCA, CGC
Can. CH. Trowsnest Yellow Brick Road UD SH (GR-EL12007M92-PI)
Trowsnest On The Road Again JH
Can CH Trowsnest Mystic Cntry Roads CD
Trowsnest Road To Masedonia
Trowsnest On The Road Of Love
Trowsnest Golden Lily
Trowsnest Tuck Stops Here
Trowsnest Hunts End Kelso
Am CH Brae Lea King Of The Road OS
Brae Lea Cooper James Festus
Brae Lea Prince James
Brae Lea Clancy Of Spruce LN
Brae Lea Boris
Brae Lea Rugby
Brae Lea The Right Stuff
Am. CH Brae Lea Phantom Of T' Opera
Am. CH. Brae Lea's Prime Rate
Bon Vue Brae Lea Alana CDX
Am. CH Bon Vue's Addison
Can CH Trowsnest Birk RD To Mandalay
Birks Trowsnest Northern LYT CD
Birks Trowsnest Boomerang Ex
Birks Trowsnest The Canadian
Can. CH Padedali Penge Am./Can. CDX
Padedali Crackers
Padedali Holly
Padedali Santa
Padedali Bella
Padedali Gracie
Padedali Pamie
Trowsnest Birks Phoebe Snow
Mini Manor's Tabitha Too
Trowsnest On THe Wings Of Song
Mini Manor's Belle
Jamcroft's Pint O' Lager
Mini Manor's Beatrice Of Bo
Can CH. Trowsnest Ona Wing N Prayer CD JH
Jamcroft's High Tea
Trowsnest On Gossamer Wings
Landican Ariell's Dahlia UD AX AXJ NJP OD (OFA GR-EL11295F24-PI)
CH Landican's Just A Blazingstar JH MX AXJ WC CCA (OFA GR-EL11438M25-PI)
Landican's Spring Training
Landican Spring Morning Dew CDX RE NA OAJ
Landican's Heart Delight
Landican's Sweet William
Am. CH. Ariell's Solomon's Seal MX AXJ OS (OFA GR-EL3723M24-T)
Ariell's Frangipani
Am CH Brae Lea King Of The Road OS
Brae Lea Cooper James Festus
Brae Lea Prince James
Brae Lea Clancy Of Spruce LN
Brae Lea Boris
Brae Lea Rugby
Brae Lea The Right Stuff
Am. CH Brae Lea Phantom Of T' Opera
Am./Can. CH. Ariell's Bluebells MX MXB MXJ MJB AXP AJP OD
Ariell Timberees Meant To Be CDX
Ariell Sweet And Sassy
Ariell's Kodiak Stormwarning
Ariell Ain't No Buddy Better
UKC - CDX Ariell Hudson Bay Excursion UD
Ariell Golden Penelope
Ariell's Debonaire UD
Am. CH Landican's Morningstar CDX JH AX AXJ OAP OJP WC OD Can CDX
Landican's Star Riley
Am-Can Ch. Malagold Storm Warning OS SDHF
Ch. Malagold's Whisper The Wind
Am. CH Malagold's Good Time Charlie CGC,TDI
Am./Can. CH. Malagold Starhart's Tory-Adore
Am. CH Malagold's Beaujolais
Malagold Alexander The Great
Malagold Gun Tot'n Sodbuster
Malagold Heed The Warning
Malagold Boscobel
Malagold Stella By Starlight
Malagold VIII
Malagold Springtime Sophia
Can Ch Malagold Kiss The Boys G'Bye
Malagold's Summer Twister
Malagold STRHRT Dance Th'tide
Malagold Starhart Tidal Wave
Malagold Dauninge Kyrie Suny
Am./Can. CH U-CD Landican's Shining Sirius CDX WCX OD JH
Am. CH Landican's Dazzl'n Sir Brandon CD JH WC
Can. CH. Landican Waldenway Lightnin Am. CDX
Landican's Dajans Mackenzie CD
Am. CH. Landican's Ocoee Opportunity CD SDHF

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