
Golden Retriever

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Goldwish A La La Lala Long

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Goldwish A La La Lala Long (Other SE14053/2011)
Sungold Fonzy Fast Foot (DK 09361/2003)
Sungold For Blynov & Co (DK 09355/2003)
Sungold Fast Fille (Other DKK 09358/2003)
Sungold Lucky Wuk (Other DK18317/93)
Sungold Fair Play (FCI 09443/2000)
DKBRCH Joe's Wuk (17114/90)
Joe's Cher (DK 26512/92)
Sungold Sweet Sensation (Other DK06125/91)
Ambertrail's Happy Heatleader (01944/2000)
Ambertrail's Rosco Is Reddy Can CDX Am CD (CKC GW472857)
Ambertrail's Aheka Aim Hi (AKC SN69471301)
Ambertrail's Tie Breaker CD RA MH *** (AKC SN68685501)
Ambertrail Joy's Pool Position (49154Z)
Ambertrail's Repeat After Me Can. WCX *** (CKC JA564371)
FTCH AFTCH Shurmark's Split Decision Am. MH *** OS Can. FDHF (AKC SF956200 (12-91))
Shurmark's Knockem Dead Kid ***
Shurmark's Camelle (CKC TW616094)
Ambertrail's Super Razzy Can. MH
Ambertrail Corbec Super Dazzle ** (AKC SN21743001)
Ambertrail's Lillehammer Gold (AKC SN19071201)
Ambertrail's Murphy's Law JH WC (AKC SN19918001)
SE VCH LPI LPII Cinderella Lovehouse My Girl (Other S45153/2006)
Owlet's Tango (Other S17221/2001)
Owlet's Polka (Other FIN23742/01)
Owlet's Lindy (Other S17214/2001)
Vildsilkes Cornelius (Other S38009/99)
Vassruggens Ylva Danadottir (Other S12366/96)
SE VCH TJH Cinderella Lovehouse Sunshine (Other S47936/2001)
SU(u) CH Floprym Quite An Elegance (Other N30890/93)
Floprym Q 8 (Other N30895/93)
SE VCH TJH LPI Nipdalens Cinderella (Other S26215/97)

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