
Golden Retriever

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Bugler Of Chateau d'Or

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Bugler Of Chateau d'Or (AKC A332606 - 7&9/1939)
Buff II Of Chateau d'Or (AKC A437269 (11/1940))
Danny Of Chateau d'Or (AKC A437268 (11/1940))
Darling Of Chateau d'Or (AKC A437272 (11/1940))
Dennis Of Chateau d'Or (AKC A437270 (11/1940))
Dick Of Chateau d'Or (AKC A437271 (11/1940))
Dixie Of Chateau d'Or (AKC A437274 (11/1940))
Dolly Of Chateau d'Or (AKC A437273 (11/1940))
Badger Of Chateau d'Or (AKC A332607 - 7&9/1939)
Beppo Of Chateau d'Or (AKC A332608 - 7&9/1939)
Big Boy Of Chateau d'Or (AKC A332609 - 7&9/1939)
Bo Peep Of Chateau d'Or (AKC A332603 - 7&9/1939)
Buddie Of Chateau d'Or (AKC A332604 - 7&9/1939)
Buff Of Chateau d'Or (AKC A332605 - 7&9/1939)
Diane of Chateau d'Or (AKC A437275 (11/1940))
Gold Dust Rory (AKC A172427 (8/1937))
Bruce of Willow Loch (AKC A464784 (3/1941))
Ruddy of Willow Lake (AKC A131,030 (2/1937))
Am. CH. Toby of Willow Lake *** DDHF (AKC A-165690 (7/1937))
Am. CH. Rockhaven Rory SDHF OS (AKC 905893 (1/1934))
Am./Can. CH. Speedwell Pluto SDHF OS (AKC 839660 (9/1932))
Eng. CH. Kelso of Aldgrove < Speedwell Kelso (Other 1343LL KCSB)
Speedwell Barley (Other KC Reg. Sept. 1929)
Can. CH. Rockhaven Amber (AKC 839658 (9/1932))
Rockhaven Roxana (AKC 839657 (9/1932))
Rusty Heger (AKC A39719 (1/1936))
Simba (A91513) (AKC A91,513 (9/1936))
Am. CH. MacGregor Of Three Acres (AKC 933312 (6/1934))
Speedwell Boine Flash (AKC A70,101 (6/1936))
Lanny of Windward (AKC A93,446 (9/1936))
Lady Amber (A109683) (AKC A109,683 (11/1936))
Sporting Hill Bad Penny (AKC A109,684 (11/1936))
Bellevue Rust (AKC A116,949 (12/1936))
Sophie (A122034) (AKC A122,034 (1/1937))
Lannie of Windward (AKC A-93446)
Belinda of Willow Lake ** (AKC A-072564 (6/1936))
Sandy Boine (AKC 889,400 (9/1933))
Bridgett (AKC 893,234 (10/1933))
Speedwell Boine II (AKC 898887 (11/1933))
Heger's Rusty (AKC 900,876 (12/1933))
Sun Gold of Sporting Hill (AKC 910,798 (2/1934))
Red Dust (AKC 919,891 (4/1934))
Ben Bernie (AKC 925,224 (5/1934))
Speedwell Boine III (AKC 937,050 (7/1934))
Lady Boine (AKC 940,171 (8/1934))
Speedwell Boine (AKC 875494 (6/1933))
Wilderness Saffron
Onyx of Emley (AKC 875495 (6/1933))
Ashes Of Chateau d'Or (AKC A69,983 (6/1936))
Wingold Of Woodend (AKC A47128 (3/1936))
Sackcloth of Chateau d'Or (AKC A69,982 (6/1936))
Poker of Chateau D'Or (AKC A69,981 (6/1936))
Rockhaven Niobe
Cinders of Chateau d'Or (AKC A69,980 (6/1936))
Am./Can. CH. Speedwell Pluto SDHF OS (AKC 839660 (9/1932))
Eng. CH. Kelso of Aldgrove < Speedwell Kelso (Other 1343LL KCSB)
Speedwell Barley (Other KC Reg. Sept. 1929)
Eng. CH. Michael Of Moreton (Other 1392GG)
Eng. CH. Noble Of Quinton (Other 1897FF)
Eng. SH. CH. Speedwell Emerald
Wherstead Gilt Edge (Other KCSB 399JJ)
Sugar Candy (son of Cornelius)
Speedwell Lucifer (Other KC Reg. Feb. 1927)
Bess of Claydon
Gilnockie Lady (AKC A-17802 - 10/1935)
Can. CH. Noranby Eventide **
Niobe (Rory Of Bentley x Mouse)
Rorina Of Aldgrove < Rorina

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