
Golden Retriever

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Potomacrun's Kinetic Energy

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Potomacrun's Kinetic Energy
AmCH Charms Toast'n Cin'amonbear CGC OS
MACH Charms Keep'em Irresistable VCD2 RE OF
CH. Charms I'm a Pepper Too (9.5 years)
Charms Irresistabl Tuckrbear
Am./Can. CH. Charms Toast'n'Denewbear CD OS (14 years)
Charms Spoiled Perfect Lucky
Charms Grove Jumps For Joy
Charms U Too R Bubbly CD
Am Can Ch Cloverdale Oliver Twist OS (10.5 years)
Cloverdale Sukawaka Kered
Am./Can. CH Cloverdale Sugarfrost
Am./Can. CH Cloverdale Sunnybrae Pumpkin
Am/CanCH Cloverdale Highlands Cara CD JH WCX VC Can CD WC
Am Can Ch. Cloverdale Captivator (9 years)
Am. CH. Cloverdale High Hopes Spirit CD (8 years)
CH Cloverdale's Jackfrost CD
Cloverdale Say Say Say
Am./Can. CH. Cloverdale Frostkist (9 years)
Charms Bubbly Asti Spumante CD (11.5 years)
Am. CH. Charms Simply Irresistable
Wickham Farms Serenity
Charms Pepsi Kona aka Java CGC (11.5 years)
Charms High Stakes Gambler
Am CH Wickham Farms Whirlwind
Am CH Wickhams Lil' Miss Honky Tonk CGC
Charms New Year's Jubilee
Am. Ch. Wickham Jan-U-Berry Jam
Charms Diamond Lil (12 years)
Charms Golden Rustling Aspen TD
Am. CH. Charms Jazz's Joker's Wild CD CGC OS SDHF (12.5 years)
Charms The Rock Of Oreo CD AX OAJ Flyball Champion
Am. CH. Charms Indiana Jones CDX CGC
Am. CH. Charms Icelanduk Travler (9 years)
Charms Watch 'em Feathers Fly JH WCX
Am CH Wickham Lil' Blaze O' Glory OD
Am. CH. Charms Chardonnay And Cheddar (11 years)
Wickhams Waltzing Matilda
Am. CH. Charm'n'wickham Luv'a' Ten'drbear
Am. CH Wickhams Happy Lil Twister
Charms Eiderdown Heaven JH WCX (20 years)
CanCh Wickham Farms Nice N Spicey AmCDX NA CanCDX (12 years)
Potomacrun's In The Zone
Am. CH. Charms Jazz's Joker's Wild CD CGC OS SDHF (12.5 years)
Charms The Rock Of Oreo CD AX OAJ Flyball Champion
Am. CH. Charms Indiana Jones CDX CGC
Am. CH. Charms Icelanduk Travler (9 years)
Charms Watch 'em Feathers Fly JH WCX
BIS BISS AM-CAN-JAP CH Edgehill Nautilus Calypso Jo WC OS SDHF (10 years)
CH Edgehill Nautilus Class Act CD (10 years)
Am-Bda.CH Edgehill Nautilus Abientot (11 years)
Edgehill Nautilus Crystal
Edgehill Nautilus Fast Track
Edgehill Nautilus Maxmilian (10.5 years)
Am. Ch. Edgehill Nautilus Mz Behavin OD
Edgehill Nautilus Ti-Amo
Am/Can Ch. Nautilus Edgehill Crown Onyx OS
Am/Can Ch Edgehill Nautilus Sea Sprite
Am. CH. Charms Twist A Lil' Jazz OD (12 years)
Am. CH. Charms Blow'em'away TK CD (12.5 years)
Am. CH. Charms I'm A Tootsie Too (12.5 years)
Sweet Fritzie Yahoo
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