
Golden Retriever

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Sir Brody Maximus

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Sir Brody Maximus (AKC SR67317102 (1-13))
Eugene III (AKC SR67317101)
Folks' Maggie (AKC SR67317103)
Silvermine Treasured Zeus (AKC SR41650006 (10-10))
Silvermine Gypsy Carter (AKC SR41650002 (4-09))
Silvermine Sailor Girl (AKC SR41650001)
Silvermine Mater Mohrfeld (AKC SR41650004 (6-08))
Silvermine's Kea Lani (AKC SR41650007)
Del Helvet Can Tyson (AKC SR31432501 (4-06))
De Helvet Can Tatiana (AKC SR33862501 (10-08))
Del Helvet Can Tiffany (AKC SR31432502)
Dewmist Silkshooter (Other S56839/2002)
CH Dewmist Silkchaser (Other SwedKC# S56842/2002)
Isr. Ch. dewmist Silkmorency
Dewmist Silkcharade (S56844/2002)
NordJW, Swe Sh CH, DK Sh CH, INT Sh CH (C.I.E) Dewmist Silkmarillion
Dewmist Silkjourney (Other s56841-2002)
Vice-WW'06, Swe Sh Ch, Norw Ch, Pl Ch, Lv Ch Dewmist Silkventure SweW-06-07-08-09, LvW-07 (Other S56843/2002)
Del Helvet Can Irina (L.O.E. 1.307.366)
Silvermine Belle (AKC SR23573605 (10-06))
Arnold The Govenator (AKC SR23573604 (3-06))
Zanto De San Jose Casas Caidas (AKC SR23573602)
Kala Dewmist-Gaineda Galans (AKC SR23573606)
Hobbo De Zolotisty (AKC SR21089301 (2/05))
Galans Kalamajka (AKC SR21088402)
BIH SH CH galans kanga
HSHCH Galans Kala Brandy (AKC UR08025901)
Galans Kurazsi Club winner, Excellent 3 at Euro Dog Show 2007
Ch. Galans Karneval Jugendbester, Excellent 4 at Euro Dog Show 2007 (Other Met.Gold.r. 1955/03)
Galans Krampampuli
Galans Kreacio (AKC SR21088401)
Klondike White Diamond In Paris (AKC SR34267404 (10-10))
High Winds Keepin The Faith (AKC SR43869101)
Murphy Our Smoky Mtn Dream 2 (AKC SR34267407 (6-08))
Prince Charles Of Klondike (AKC SR34267401 (9/08))
Patrick's Abbagayl Joy (AKC SR34267405 (4-08))
Sir Joshua Jericho Of Klondike (AKC SR34267403 (8-07))
Goldenheights Hot Shot (AKC SR33273901 (8-06))
Goldenheights Shady Lady
IR.SH. CH. Jackralee Tweed of Sandwood
Jackralee Serge
Jackralee Georgette
Jackralee Tartan Knight
Jackralee Brocade from Dargaville
Ace's Legacy at Goldenheights
Kezdek Paris Dreamer (AKC SR33603401 (8-06))
Kezdek Sterling Spirit (AKC SR35202501 (11/07))
Kezdek Sinjaree Spirit (Other AF01957902)
Motlaisa Principal Chief for Kezdek
Motlaisa Isn't She Something At Ashbyglen
Kenmilltri Cute Buttercup at Kezdek

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