
Golden Retriever

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Crystal Golden Angels Oberach at Wheatcroft JW RCC

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Crystal Golden Angels Oberach at Wheatcroft JW RCC (0-0)
Only Diamond Abigail Golden Angels of Oberach (0-0)
Only Diamond Joy of Moss-Lake Golden Angels of Ob
Only D Joy of Moss-Lake Golden Angels of Oberach
Golden William vom Wacholderpark (0:0)
Golden Wrainbow vom Wacholderpark (0/0)
Life is Life Hi'land's Hannes (0/0 (07/02/2002))
Life is Life Happy Hour (0/0)
Life is Life Hi'land's Harvey (0/0)
Life is Life Huckleberry Nochoe (0/0)
Life is Life Hi'land's Elsa
Life is Life Hi'land's Hope
Life is Life Hi'land's Sina (0/0)
Life is Life Hi'land's Hanna
JCh Sansue Hi'Land Storm
Sansue Columbine Of Elswood
Sansue Candytuft at Blenstone (1)
Sansue Crown Imperial
Sansue Cedar of Braidwynn
Sansue Hi'land Spring
Sansue Hi'land Prince Of Argosland
Sansue Hi'land Dance
Nortonwood Precious
Nortonwood Aquarius Of Hayjoy
Sansue Wacholderpark Jule (0/0)
Sansue George Burns JW
Sh Ch Monchique Cimarone Cove at Branjoy
Monchique Seann a Choi
Monchique Dolly Daydreamer
Wyebank Juno of Sansue
Wyebank Just Jazz
Wyebank Just William
VDH-CH Wheatcroft Ice Queen (0/0)
Wheatcroft White Frost
JWW'01, Vice-EW'05, DH-CH. Wheatcroft Ice Diamond (0)
Wheatcroft's Sky Diamond
Eng SH CH Wheatcroft White Diamond
Wheatcroft Diamonds are Forever at Glenavis
Wheatcroft Diamond Dazzle
AT VCH Wheatcroft Diamond Violets (Clear (2002))
Eng./Irish SH. CH. Erinderry Diamond Edge Of Glenavis
Tyrol Philosopher's Pride
Erinderry Diamond Debonair of Learmount
Tyrol Philosopher's Joy at Erinderry
Erinderry Diamond Addition
Erinderry Diamond Ice
Wheatcroft Sky's The Limit
Gunhills Dancing Dream Of Wheatcroft
Gunhills Dancing Dudley
Sh Ch Gunhills Dancing Mandolin of Meloak JW (BVA 0-1)
NLCh, NLVCh, rVWW Gunhills Dancing Dexter (0/0)
Gunhills Dancing Trumpet to Coombstock (0/0)
Gunhills Dancing Delilha
Marjamez My Guy at Rossgilde
Swed. SH CH/Norw. CH Marjamez Masterpiece (UA (1/21/1998))
Marjamez Marguerita Time
Marjamez Mexicali Rose At Forbendale
Gunhills Dancing Darby
Dutch Ch. Gunhills Dancing Spring 10 CC's, 3 Res.CC's, Ger., VDH Ch.
Gunhills Dancing Ribbons (0-0)

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