
Golden Retriever

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Smokingold's Take The Line

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Smokingold's Take The Line
Smokingold's Rising Star UDX
Smokingold Vroom Vroom JH
Smokingold Takes The Cup SH
Where There's Smoke There's Fire MH *** OD
Smokingold Max Q Maverick MH WCX ** OS
FC AFC LaCrosse Max Q Jake JH OS FDHF
Lacrosse Commander Cody JH
Redstar's Rockstar Of Lacrosse CD WCX **
LaCrosse's Regal Elizabeth UDX OM1 RE MH NA
Redstar's LaCrosse Jade
Lacrosse's Comeback Kid Jake WCX ***
Lacrosse I Dare You OD
Timber Pond Harley Of LaCrosse
Lacrosse's Jokers Wild
Jersey's Copper of Lacrosse
Chancefield's Viking Raider
Lacrosse's Primo Gusto
Lacrosse's Hd Thoreau
Miss Mercedez Of Lacrosse
Lacrosse's Risin Ruby MH WCX **
Lacrosse's Running Brooke MH WCX ***OD
FC AFC OTCH Topbrass Ascending Elijah OS FDHF
Topbrass General Sherman
Topbrass Alex Ready To Duncan
Topbrass Turn Me Loose
Topbrass Sorehon Ipse Dixit ***
Topbrass Fuzzbuster ***
Topbrass Hot Tomato **
Topbrass Briarpatch Evereddy MH
Wraith's Duncan MH *** OS
Sky Hi Cotton Sage
Ronakers Cotton Candy WCX ***
Hillviews Ready To Smoke OD
Redstar's 'Tess' Of Lacrosse MH WCX *** OD
AFC Glenhaven Devil's Advocate UDT MH WCX OS FDHF
Glenhaven Devil May Care UDT JH WCX
Glenhaven Eroica TD JH WCX
Honeywoods Glenhav'n Charmer CD JH WCX
Topbrass Mioaks Bingo MH Am/Can *** OD
Mioak's Amber McKool ***
Mioak's Bring It Home Katie
Mioak's Calculated Chaos OD
Mioak's Bustin' Luce *** OD
FC Mistfield Red Zinger MH
Mioak's Wild Turkey SH WCX **
Mioak's Platte River Pete ***
Mioak's Corey's Zap Of Gold
Mioak's Irish Coffee
Mioak's Pizzazz JH
Mioak's My Stormy
Cc's Wind Beneath My Wings WCX **
Mioak's Bandito **
Mioak's Hotshot ***
Mioak's Golden Nugget II
Mioak's Soup to Go ***
Mioak's Wildfire
Mioak's Firecracker ***
Blazinlakes Legally Blonde CDX RA JH NAJ WC OD
Shawnee Run's Speaker Volume
Blazinlake's Fifth Element WC
Blazinlake Jumpin' Jack Flash JH CD RN SAR-U1
Blazinlakes Clinical Diagnosis UD WCX
Blazinlakes Hell's Canyon Dam
Blazinlake's Olympic Fire
Golden Daze Spice Of Life NA NAJ
AFC AFTCH Rosehill's Mr Speaker MH OS CCA FDHF
Choctaw's Dixieland Delight CGC
Sunny's Sports Fan
Shakin' Sambo Hillclimber
Jake Of Sunny Rain Check
Toffe (SN14124109)
Sunny's Daily Double
Teeca Otay Too **
Rocky Top's You Got Potential
Sunny's Bodacious Blonde
AFC Mioak's Rain Check OS FDHF
Mioaks Fire Fox ***
Frisbies Enchanted Nutmeg
Mioak's Tioga Hawk
Otay's Sunny Summer JH ***
Otay's California She-Devil SH ***
Rosehill's Otay By Me MH ***
Cheerios Hi-Ho ***
Otay's Clipper **
Otay's Coyote ***
Otay Golden Sundance Eagle CD
Otay's Pack Rat CD
Otay Aint' Just Whislin' Dixie CDX JH
HR Wilee Birdius Hunteris SH WCX
Rip's Gentle Ben JH
Splashdown Mioak's Rip MH ***
Mioak's Montana To Rice MH
Mioak's Corey's Gidget Goo WC
Sundaze Mioaks Con Brio MH *** OS
Mioak's Deerwood Blaze
Mioak's Whole Enchilada ***
Mioak's Tag A Long
Topbrass Pekay's Taco Belle
Topbrass Torch Of Chancefield
Topbrass J D Straight Up
Topbrass Indian River Splash
Topbrass Sunshine And Shadow
Topbrass Royal Skor NA
Topbrass Brasdor Justin Time
Topbrass HB Abigail
Topbrass Hustle Russell *** OS

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