
Golden Retriever

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Mochavulin Maple Dancer

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Mochavulin Maple Dancer
Ch Mochavulin Maple Melody
Mochavulin Cassidy
Mochavulin Kaylee
Mochavulin Bonnie Lassie
Mochavulin Lady Bella
Mochavulin Bailey
BISS Am Ch BIS BISS Can Ch Verdoro's Triple Chill SDHF (OFA GR-90071F33M-PI)
Can Ch Verdoro's Chunky Monkey OD (OFA GR-87466F24F-PI)
Am Can Ch Verdoro's Itsakadoozie RN CGN Can SDHF (OFA GR-87508F24M-PI)
Am Can Ch Verdoro's Flight of The Arrow (OFA OVC 37484GR-94117G31M-PI/)
BISS AmGCH BISS CanCH Verdoro Tellise Arrowsmith Am/Can OS (OFA GR-92355G24M-PI)
Can Ch Verdoro's Crazy Licks
Verdoro's Tiramisu
Am Can Ch Verdoro Tanglewood Ice Pilot Can OS (OFA GR-75434F25M-PI)
Am. Ch. Runnymede Indeed OS (OFA GR-57189G24M-T)
Ch Runnymede Infinity OD (OFA GR-57190F24F-T)
Can CH Online Verdoro Ice On Fire (OFA GR-55942G29F-T)
Online's Pioneer Ice Storm (OFA GR-55050G27F)
Am/Can Ch Online Tessahoc Ice Man (OFA GR-55722G29M)
Online's Champagne On Ice CD JH WC (OFA GR-53932F24M-T)
Ch. Online's Ice Crystal (OFA GR-53883G24F-T)
Can CH Verdoro's Pace Arrow Am Can OD (OFA GR-73238G24F-PI)
Can CH Verdoro's Peugeot Quasar (OFA GR-76478G24M-NOPI)
Int. Ch. Can Ch Verdoro's Countrylane Runabout (OFA GR-73195F25F-PI)
Can Ch Verdoro's Renault Caravelle
Can CH Verdoro's Citroen Citela OD (OFA GR-76479G24F-PI)
Can CH Verdoro's Sunflyer (OFA GR-73873G33F-PI)
Can CH Verdoro's Grande Torino OS (OFA GR-61770G24M-T)
Can CH Verdoro's Voulez Vous OD
Goldenzauer Wynter Minx of Mochavulin (B1:B1)
Goldenzauer Summer Rayne
Goldenzauer Summer Thyme
Goldenzauer Tangledup
Goldenzauer Fire On Ice
Goldenzauer Sumtimes Alady
Goldenzauer Starting Alover
Goldenzauer Dakota Sunrise
Goldenzauer Summerlad
Goldenzauer King Cayenne
Goldenzauer Summer Legacy
Goldenzauer Wynter Bear
Goldenzauer Phoenix Fyre
Goldenzauer Wynter Frost
Goldenzauer Wynter Storm
Goldenzauer Jeffrey Raymond
Goldenzauer Gabriella Angel
Goldenzauer Comtesse Bijoe
Goldenzauer Wynter Jewel
BISS Ch Barleywood Autumn Lad of Goldenzauer CGC (HD00)
SA Ch Barleywood Bushwillow of Chardale
SA Ch Linchael Fascination of Macanne (HD00)
Linchael Love Is All (15:16)
Linchael Eternity De La Enna (BVA 3-3)
Linchael Lovestory at Chisleay
Linchael Ti Amo
Linchael Love Song for Chisleay (BVA 7:7)
SA Ch Macanne Nutkin of Barleywood (HD00)
SA Ch Macanne Newsflash (0:1)
SA CH Giltedge Martina for Goldenzauer (B1,B1)
Giltedge Serena (3:3)
Giltedge Song and Dance
Giltedge Amelie
Dewmist Silversong (Unknown 3:4)
Aust CH Dewmist Silverling (3:4 (Australia))
Dewmist Silversmith (B/B)
NO UCH, SE U(U)CH Dewmist Silverwing (A/A)
Giltedge Poetry In Motion (1:3)
Aust Grand Champion Giltedge The Poet (4/6)
Giltedge Sonnet (0:0)
Giltedge Lyric (0:2)

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