
Golden Retriever

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SUCH FINUCH INTUCH Cindarella (S21468/77)

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

SUCH FINUCH INTUCH Cindarella (S21468/77)
NUCH FINUCH Hedetorpets Roy
Hedetorpets Original
Hedetorpets Reddy
Hedetorpets Orkide
NUCH SUCH Hedetorpets Regina
NORDUCH INTUCH Hedetorpets Amigo (S13720/57)
Hedetorpets Amber
NORDUCH INTUCH S LCH Hedetorpets Honey
Hedetorpets Handy
Harmony (S26493/69)
NUCH Wink (S13875/62)
Wonder (S16395/61)
Wise (S16393/61)
Witch (S16394/61)
Golden Honey (S14885/63)
Cherry (S07652/62)
Bonita (S14883/63)
Camilla (S51180/74)
Desie (S23261/73)
Dennis (S27656/70)
Duke (S27660/70)
Pan (S00200/66)
Pella (S00204/66)
Pira (S00206/66)
Cocette (S04046/66)
Cornett (S04042/66)
Polarmarkens ?jra
Polarmarkens Fatima
Polarmarkens Imona
NORDUCH Polarmarkens Flipper
Ajja (S09549/69)
Cilla (S03073/71)
Attika (S09554/69)
Athena (S09553/69)
Polarmarkens Lolita
Polarmarkens Lukas
Polarmarkens Lottie

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