
Golden Retriever

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Fabulous Fairy Angel of the Dreams

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Fabulous Fairy Angel of the Dreams
Fly Over The Rainbow Angel of the Dreams (AKC SR76308901)
Forever In My Heart Angel of the Dreams
SKGrdCh.SrbCh.SKJCh.HJCh. Future Hope Angel of the Dreams CW?14 (FCI Work.exam - II.priz)
Fantastic Beloved Angel of the Dreams
C.I.E. Ch.(H;Cro;) Multi JCh. (H;Cro;?st;SK) Fly Over the Golden-Hill Du Bois de la Rayere
Fly To Eternity du Bois de la Rayere
Dutch&German Ch Fly to Fletcher du Bois de la Rayere
Frenchy Boy du Bois de la Rayere (FCI GRC 10 - 0567)
INT (C.I.B. + C.I.E.) CH Fly To Ghost Myst du Bois de la Rayere (FCI LOF)
Fly To French Line du Bois de la Rayere (FCI LOF)
SeVCh Flower To Rossmix Du Bois De La Rayere
NO UCH, SE U(U)CH Ramchaine Snap To Jako's (FCI KCAH04945406)
Ramchaine Shuffle and Deal to Eastonwood
ChRus, JChRus Ramchaine Patience is Istry
International Sh Ch/ Irish Sh Ch/ Dutch Ch/ Ger/VDH CH. Ramchaine Jaq of Hearts UKJW
Ramchaine Diamond Cut By Fenwood JW
Ramchaine Whist
Eng Sh Ch Lochtaymor King of Diamonds
Lochtaymor Sirocco
Lochtaymor Jack Frost JW
Lochtaymor The Cisco Kid
Lochtaymor Girl Friday for Rainscourt
Lochtaymor Diamond Queen
Lochtaymor Griffindor
Lochtaymor Meri Christmas
Lochtaymor A Diamond Jewel at Glormhorcu
Lochtaymor Snowball with Jemedin
Lochtaymor She Can Can-Can
Lochtaymor Zephyr
Lochtaymor Moulin Rouge
UK Sh Ch / Dutch Ch / German Ch / VDH Ch Remington Requisite Of Ramchaine
Remington Roberta Bolebel
Remington Reflection of Castlerock (UKC 0633CK)
CH Remington Rockafeller (S13422/2001)
Remington Rob Roy Of Ipcress JW
Remington Regal Scot of Raffleson
Eng.Sh.Ch Remington Remember Me KCJW (UKC KC)
Bouquet Imperial du Bois de la Rayere (FCI LOF8RET.GOL. 072737)
SEU(u)CH SEVCH Bernhard Du Bois De La Rayere (S62504/2006)
Bon Voyage du Bois de la Rayere
INT CH, UA/RUS/BUL/MOL/RO/EE/LT CH Baikal du Bois de la Rayere (Other LOF 8RET.GOL.072741)
Blue Paradise du Bois de la Rayere
Bleu Blanc Rouge du Bois de la Rayere
International, French, Luxembourg Ch. Taram du Bois de la Rayere (FCI LOF8RET.GOL. 044954)
Too Much du Bois de la Ray?re
Vice Et Versa du Bois de la Rayere
Tartuffe du Bois de la Ray?re
Tasha du Bois de la Rayere
IntCh, ChFr, ChBel, FT Ch Tommy Girl du Bois de la Rayere (Other LOF8RET.GOL. 044530)
Theos du bois de la Ray?re
Field trial CH Temps Dance du Bois de la Rayere (Other 44529/7895)
Ch Belge, IB, Trialer Top Secret Affair du Bois de la Ray?re
The-Star-Of-France Du Bois De La Rayere (AKC SR22828801 (6-05))
Tea For Two du Bois de la Rayere
CIB.CIE. SK-H-GrdCh. SK-H-Srb.Ch. SK-H.JCh. Ashbury Deep In My Heart (World Junior Clubwinner 2009) (Other SPKP 2214)
Ashbury Devoted Twinckle
Ashbury Deep Purple
Ashbury Cassiopea
INT CH, WW-10 Ashbury Conan Doyle (Selectif A)
Int.Sh.Ch,Dt.Vdh.Ch, Swe.Ch, Lux & Dt.VDH JCH, Ashbury Deep Impact Liepzig VDH Sieger,Brandenburg Jugendsieger 2009 (FCI NHSB 2721978)
EST & LV & LTU & PL JCH, BALT JCH Ashbury Call Me Luis
Ashbury Dancing Queen
Int. Sh. Ch , Int. Ch , Lux/Dk/Dt-VDH/Swiss/Fr. Ch Ashbury Angel Heart (FCI LOF8RET.GOL. 064360)
Ashbury Attention to Rossmix
Ashbury Amarena Cream
SWISS CH Ashbury Art Of Love TAN and Selectif A and B
International, French, Luxembourg Ch. Taram du Bois de la Rayere (FCI LOF8RET.GOL. 044954)
Too Much du Bois de la Ray?re
Vice Et Versa du Bois de la Rayere
Tartuffe du Bois de la Ray?re
Tasha du Bois de la Rayere
Ashbury Summer Sun
Ashbury Peace and Love
ICH, TRIALER Ashbury Please Tell Me
Ashbury Together For Ever
Ashbury Touch of Gold
Vice-EW'98, Mult/Int/Sw/Lux/Fr/Sp Ch, Trialer Scrabble of Glen Sheallag (Other LOF8RET.GOL.011199)
Shamalo of Glen Sheallag
CH IB & Trialer Showbiz of Glen Sheallag
Sherlock of Glen Sheallag (Other SwedKC # S59537/94)
Nuch Sigourney of Glen Sheallag (Other N05437/95)
CH IB, Lux, Suisse Ashbury Real Pleasure
Ashbury Rhythm and Blues
Ashbury The Sweet Temptation
Ashbury Time After Time
Ashbury Robbers Rumbling Rose
Ashbury Ray Of Hope

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