K9data.comLabrador Retriever

UKC CH / Int'l CH / SHR The Captain's Moment In Paradise JH

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

UKC CH / Int'l CH / SHR The Captain's Moment In Paradise JH
UKC CH Neverest'n'The Captains Kodiak Moment
BISS Ch. Simerdown's Dr Pepper
Pleasurethyme's Sebastian JH
AmCH Naiken Indian Temple MH
Jenivelle's Princess Tyonek
Wynochimes Waltzing Matilda II WC
Hollidaze Okra Winfrey
Chestnut Hills U Bet Yer Boots JH
CHSNT-HLS Kaltrav Winning Bet
AmCH Chestnut Hills Sure Bet
Chestnut Hill Best Bet Yet
UKC CH The Captain's Paradise Found
AmCH / Int'l CH High Voltage Blaze'n Chase JH CD WC CGC (3.5 years)
CanCH Cedarwood's Laurel CC
AmCH Cedarwood Blackrock Sea Breeze
Cedarwood's Narissa
Cedarwood Cinkelt Now N Zen
GMHR Am. Mex. Intl (FCI) CH Cook's Midnight Bandit MH TT (15.5 years)
CanCH Cedarwood's Ruthless Rochelle JH WC Am/ChCD TDI
BIS/BISS Am/CanCH Ruthless Blazing Brentley CDX MH CGN AGN
Ruthless Black Shadow
Lady Kissinger
Doctor Dan Junior MH
Magdalene of Stormy March

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