
Golden Retriever

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Lioncrosier Seven Stars

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Lioncrosier Seven Stars
Lioncrosier Cherry Blossom Girl
Lioncrosier Afternoon Sister
Lioncrosier Playground Love
Lioncrosier Sexy Boy
VCh (GI) Gypsy's Soul Newton LBW10
Gypsy's Soul Nannyberry
Gypsy's Soul Noble
Gypsy's Soul Nooper
Gypsy's Soul Norris
Gypsy's Soul Nothing Else Matters
C.I.B C.I.E EST V CH LV W10 HE W10 EST & LV & LTU & BALT & RUS JCH FIN W11 Greenhill's Cooper LV W-10, BALT JW-09, FIN JW-09
Greenhill's Call Me Madam
Est Junior Ch, Fin JW-05, Balt JW-06 Remington Razzle Dazzle (7.5 years)
IRL SH. CH. Remington Rocking Robin
CanCH. BVSS Remington Rupert Bear JH, WC (13 years)
Remington Rolex at Tokonoma
Remington Royal Blue
Remington Rudbeckia
LT W-09 Greenhill's Look-See
Greenhill's Lollipop
Gypsy's Soul Gooseberry (7.5 years)
Gypsy's Soul Geisha
Gypsy's Soul Gigolo
Gypsy's Soul Go-Go Girl
Gypsy's Soul Genius
Gypsy's Soul Gorgeous
JW-03 Stenbury Water Rebel
EST JCH Gypsy's Soul Duricha
Gypsy's Soul Dooriya
Gypsy's Soul Dudee
EST JCH Gypsy's Soul Durril
Gypsy's Soul Danior
Zara da Quinta da Foz do Mondego
Jackpot da Quinta da Formiga
Josephine louzan da quinta da formiga
Ashbury Venetian Virtuoso
Ashbury Vienna Rose
Ashbury Venetian Spirit
Ashbury Be Happy
Ashbury Beloved For Guldfynd (11 years)
Ophelia da quinta da formiga
Oh Sara da Quinta da Formiga
Anuska da Quinta da Foz do Mondego
Moty de Visoacamir
Alfred de Visoacamir
Aury da Quinta da Torreira

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